
A conservative news and views blog.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Saturday, August 06, 2005

No More Delay, According to Delay

Finally, someone is calling for enforcement of immigration laws! According to Newsmax Tom Delay is asking Texas communities to begin rounding up illegals, and he`s promising to push legislation to assist in the housing and feeding of aliens until they can be repatriated. It`s high time somebody in Washington took the lead on this issue!

Immigration is the issue which threatens to tear the Republican coalition apart and hand government to the Democrats. President Bush is oblivious to the anger at the grassroots level at lax enforcement of our laws, and his plan for ``guest worker`` status is merely a sop at the agricultural sector. The President doesn`t understand that by granting legal status to these workers, he is giving an opening to the Democrats; poor pay and poor working conditions make the illegals ripe for unionizing, and this in turn will lead them straight into the Democrats camp. President Bush is counting on gratitude to bring the Hispanics into the Republican Party; gratitude is a poor motivator of people. The Democrats will offer them money-both directly (through better pay) and through a plethora of social benefits. They would be stupid NOT to support the Dems! After all, they are here to work and make money to send back to Mexico. They are going to go with the highest bidder. Those who do become citizens will obviously join the Democrats, and those who do not will support the Dems through union dues and other methods.

Meanwhile, guest worker status will encourage a flood of new illegals into the country, and the unions and Democrats will see their star rising. This will form a feedback loop; the more illegals, the more money the Democrats have, the more money they have the more they can influence public policy, which in turn means more money for social programs, which means more illegals.

All the while, parts of the United States will continue to slide into Latin America. How long before California becomes Aztlan? How long before MECHa becomes the ruling party in the Southwest?

Remember, the Visigoths crossed the Roman border in 376 a.d., and the Western Empire was destroyed by 476. Do we really believe that we`re any different?

We`ve had too much delay already.



Blogger Esther said...

Hey Tim -- just wanted to let you know that something with your post is breaking up your template. At least it is while I'm here on my PC using IE.

I agree that Immigration is THE issue that will probably fuel '06 and '08.

5:14 PM  

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