
A conservative news and views blog.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Saturday, April 22, 2006

America`s Duty to Die

"Go back to Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims! Get out! We are the future. You are old and tired. Leave like beaten rats, you old white people. It is your duty to die... We are going to take over."

—Augustin Cebada

Still believe ``guest workers`` will leave voluntarily? Is cheap lawn care and maid service worth this?



Blogger Michael Morrison said...

So some redneck moron says, "Kill all the greaser bastards."
Does that mean all of you descended from Northern Europeans are redneck morons?
Does that mean everyone who agrees with you, Tim and allies, is a racist scumbag?
Of course not.
So why, then, do you take some Latino racist and from his psychotic remarks generalize that all Latinos are like that?

7:43 AM  
Blogger Timothy Birdnow said...

Michael, I can conclude this because Cepada, as head of the Brown Berets, speaks for a serious segment of the illegal aliens. So does former President Ernesto Zedillo, who has called for the Reconquista. This isn`t a KKK rally in rural Georgia; this is Mexican government policy. They want to overrun us.

Michael, I greatly respect your opinion, but I can`t understand how you and the Libertarians can believe in an open border policy. You are a great friend and defender of liberty, but that is the LAST thing that you`ll have if a true open border policy is implemented; you`ll have a tyrannt after the civil war. History is full of examples of this. (Lebanon comes to mind, as does the Balkans.) You are advocating the end of the Nation-State and a return to the older Imperial society where nations coexist in the same territory. These types of societies (like Imperial Russia) must be held by force of arms. The strongest nation in the Empire rules with an iron fist. The Nation-State was a great improvement over this type of system, and allowed liberty to flourish. If you remove borders, you allow the developement of competing cultures in the same geographical area-which guarantees conflict. Are you prepared to see Tennessee become part of Mexico? Part of Aztlan? You won`t merely have an open border.

As for your prior assertions that this is a matter of morality, I have to state that allowing the destruction of the United States for cheap labor (and allowing Mexico to rot) is far more immoral and unChristian than barring trespassers. I, for one, don`t want to stand before the Judgement Throne and have to account for my allowing America to be destroyed when I understood what was happening. The Bible makes it clear that God created Nations (the Tower of Babel) and that He does not advocate their removal from this Earth. HE will do the removing, if need be!

The United States, despite our faults, has been a force for morality and prosperity, and we can`t sit idly by while aliens invade and overthrow us. These illegals will destroy the very thing they have come to America to obtain, if unchecked. They`ll kill the goose that laid the golden egg. It would be immoral to allow this.

5:37 AM  
Blogger Ugh said...

Well said Tim!

It is really hard to discuss this topic without coming off as an absolutist - the point being that there are legal ways for immigrants to come here and share the American Dream. I don't want to stop immigration just law breaking immigrants.

This issue is more about the failure of Mexico than it is about our level of compassion and our greedy need for cheap labor.

Build a fence!

10:33 AM  
Blogger Michael Morrison said...

No, it was not well said.
There is far too much confusion of positions.
Answer me this, Tim, and anyone else: If I want to hire Pedro Gonzales and he wants to work for me, how can it possibly be the business of anyone else?
Especially, how can a government interfere in any voluntary act between consenting adults?
I have asked and asked and asked this question, and not once has any person, especially any alleged conservatives, offered any answer, especially any reasonable answer.

10:49 AM  
Blogger Michael Morrison said...

And let me add one more point, answering a really silly statement made by so many anti-immigration people:
It is not any "invasion."
The people who come over the border, often literally risking their lives, are seeking to better those lives -- for their own sakes, and the sakes of their families.
They aren't coming over as part of any "invasion," as representatives of a government they don't even like.
It's awfully easy to pick and choose the loony ones, such as you quoted, but there are many -- heck, probably millions if the usually proferred statistics are remotely accurate -- who want to become the United Statesians most of the rest of us are, living lives of quiet obliviousness, drinking beer and watching TV, neither of which, by the way, do I do.
Those Mexicans I know and know about include hundreds who work and return to Mexico when the season is over, and include many who stay and start businesses, including some of the best Mexican restaurants I have ever had the pleasure of dining in.
As I said so wisely to someone else (who, unfortunately, is a lacky for the Atlanta Journal and Communistution "news"paper and therefore won't appreciate it), borders are artificial and human beings are natural.
As far as God's asking you about America, here is the more likely scenario: When you get to the Pearly Gates, NO ONE, especially not God and/or St. Peter, will ask you one word about where you're from; no one will ask you for a passport or a Green Card.
But, Tim and everyone else, you WILL be asked how you treated your fellow humans.
You WILL be asked if you obeyed the Commandment, That you love one another.
You WILL be asked, Did you love others as you loved yourself?
And for you to say "allowing the destruction of the United States for cheap labor" is the problem about which you're concerned is to say you are missing -- COMPLETELY -- what I've been saying.
My point is individual rights, human freedom, something about which you often say you care.
Get out of the Old Testament, and remember we have a New Covenant, and in that New Covenant are the rules I quoted above.
And, more important to me, please understand my point and don't distort or confuse it.
Still your admirer, even though you are mistaken this time, I remain

11:34 AM  
Blogger Timothy Birdnow said...

Answer me this, Tim, and anyone else: If I want to hire Pedro Gonzales and he wants to work for me, how can it possibly be the business of anyone else?

Michael, the right to covenant is not absolute, and ends where it infringes on the rights of others. If you want to employ Pedro Gonzales in Mexico, you certainly have that right. But enticing Pedro to enter this country illegally is another matter.

First, America collectively owns the borders, and Pedro has broken the law. Second Pedro has probably trespassed on numerous parcels of private property to get where he is going (Farmers and Ranchers, etc. who live along the border complain about this constantly-the invaders steal food, break into houses, defecate in places not intended for it, etc. on their land, and there is not a thing they can do about it!) and often ``immigrant rights`` groups sue landowners who try to run them off. So, we already have numerous violations of the rights of others, and your worker has not even gotten to you yet.

Next, because you don`t want to pay for health insurance and you want to pay low wages, our alien friend steals all necessary services; if he has a problem he calls the police, he uses fire fighting services, he goes to the emergency room when sick (or when his wife goes into labor), he sends his children to government schools, he may collect welfare, live in subsidized housing, etc. These are all services paid for by American taxpayers to provide for our own. Your Pedro has never paid any taxes for these services, yet he has free access to them, thanks to you. He has violated me, because I have to pay for these services since you refuse to. I have been legally robbed.

Meanwhile, Americans see more and more illegals who are not joining our society, and the society will eventually collapse under the weight of these people.

Your right to covenant requires an aweful lot from me!

We restrict rights for the common good all of the time; real-estate law is all about that! I can`t turn my backyard into a hog farm because it violates the rights of my neighbors. Crazy cat-women are arrested all of the time because having 90 cats is a health hazzard. You can`t discharge sewage into the yard. These are all measures designed to protect the rights of your neighbors. You could not have a functioning society without that.

It is not any "invasion."
The people who come over the border, often literally risking their lives, are seeking to better those lives -- for their own sakes, and the sakes of their families.
They aren't coming over as part of any "invasion," as representatives of a government they don't even like.

Michael, the majority of the Germans who invaded the Roman Empire came because it offered them a better life-these were not military invasions. We still call them invasions.

My Websters Dictionary gives the following:

to attack, to enter with hostile intentions; to violate; to encroach upon

The last definition of invade certainly fits here.

Even though Pedro may mean us no harm, he is still encroaching upon us, and is a tool for his government and the reconquistas, who have other aims. The Mexican government a.wants the money sent back by the aliens b.want to export their unemployment and crime problems c.want to continue their corrupt power and d.want to load up America, then see if our arguments about self-determination will be honored when their people want to take control. It is a hostile policy in every imaginable way, and poor Pedro is a tool to their own ends.

borders are artificial and human beings are natural.

Borders are the most natural thing in the world; one of the first thing children do is establish boundaries between themselves and their siblings. ``This is mine, and that is yours`` is at the heart of human nature, and is the basis for most law and all property law.

About your last points, Michael, if you really cared for these people you wouldn`t want to pay them serf wages and force them to wander the Earth for employment. The Christian response is to improve Mexico so they can find a decent life there. Christian charity does not require national suicide. I suspect when the employer of illegals gets to the pearly gates, he won`t be commended for it, but will be asked why, in his greed, he exploited the poor to his own country`s detriment, and broke the law. Christians are told they must obey the laws of the land. Is the welfare state charitable, where it institutionalizes poverty? No? Why is this any different?

Oh, and Dante placed traitors to country in the lowest part of Hell in his Inferno.

I bear no malice or ill-will to the Mexicans (and others) who are coming here. I find them decent people (by and large) and wish them well. Unfortunately, I know that the influx of these people will kill the goose that laid the golden egg, and that this can happen fairly swiftly. Importing Mexican poverty is not the answer to their plight, and will consume us in years to come. Nobody will benefit from this.

I always love discussing these things with you, Michael! I`ll give you the last word!

6:23 AM  
Blogger Michael Morrison said...

Thank you, Tim.
You are intelligent and decent, if wrong on this, and I know you don't bear any ill will to anyone because of creed or color or place of national origin.
But I repeat, after reading your last entry, there is too much confusion of positions, and some contradict some others.
I offer one final statement, after saying once again, Thank You: Each human being has the sole right to his own life; (therefore) no one (including no individual or group or agency or purported agency) has the right to initiate force.

1:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having stumbled onto this discussion by accident, I must say this:
My God, that Michael Morrison is brilliant.
He really needs his own blogs and his own radio show.
Mary Jane Grass

11:15 AM  

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