
A conservative news and views blog.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Folly of Christian Environmentalism

Environmentalism kills, according to this piece in Human Events Online.

Hardly surprising; those who worship the pagan nature gods always offer human sacrifices to appease their deity. Creation is at enmity with Man because it is fallen, just as we were at enmity with the One True God because of Sin. Death and corruption are the necessary ends of the natural world, and those who turn their backs on the Creator to serve the creature will naturally serve death and corruption.

There are some Christians (notably liberal ones) who would argue that Man has a responsibility to be good stewards, that we are to nurture the Earth. They base this on Genesis 1:28-29:

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Note that it says BE FRUITFUL AND MULTIPLY, as well as REPLENISH THE EARTH AND SUBDUE IT. It in no way mentions Global Warming, or any of the other environmentalist claptrap. It does not call man to be God, and exercise Divine control for the sake of the natural world; on the contrary, it calls for Man to expand and improve things FOR MAN`s benefit.

Environmentalist Christians are in a state of error in that they have placed their trust in the powers of Man rather than the absolute control of God. They rightly believe that we should not despoil nature, but this comes out of an arrogant belief in the divine powers of Man, while ignoring the fact that God is in control of things. The betterment of our fellows is the purpose of life, not the preservation of the lesser parts of creation, and environmentalist Christians have confused the issue, believing they are doing the Will of God when they are ultimately feeding their own egos.

According to the Bible, a thing may be judged by the fruit it bears. What fruit does Environmentalism-and Climate Change-bear?

It violates several of the Ten Commandments, for instance:

1.I the Lord am your God, Thou shalt not have strange gods before me.

(Given the neo-paganism, the nature worship of many of those intimately involved in the movement, or the atheism of many involved, this command is clearly being violated.)

5.Thou shalt not kill.

(DDT, anyone? Many environmentalists have said quite plainly that their goal is to reduce the World`s population levels. How about the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement?)

7.Thou shalt no steal.

(What are carbon taxes, cow emission taxes, industrial reduction goals, etc. other than fancy redistribution of wealth schemes ie. stealing?)

8.Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

(How about the lies coming from the Gang Green? They claim that NO scientists disagree with them except S. Fred Singer. They have tried to erase the Medieval Warming Period to defend Michael Mann`s hockey stick, all the while knowing the evidence is clear that it was warmer then than now. They accuse anyone who disagrees with them of being in the pay of Exxon-Mobile. etc.)

10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor`s goods.

(Why is the United States supposed to be subject to Kyoto while China and India are not? Why are taxes imposed to enforce GW goals? Why are we told that what we eat, what we do, how we live is immoral because some do not have it? This entire thing is an exercise in covetousness-as indeed is most liberal thinking.)

Jesus summed the Commandments up as follows:

``Love the Lord with all of your heart, all of your mind, and all of your strength, and love your neighbor as yourself.``

Can this be said of the Environmentalist Movement? God has clearly been an afterthought; He is not present at all, although a Wiccan style goddess certainly pervades portions of the movement. How can condemning poor Africans to death by Malaria, or people to poverty because they don`t have access to energy and industry, or to have rolling blackouts because environmentalists don`t want new power plants built be called loving one`s neighbor?

God made it quite plain that the plagues of Egypt were from Him, and the plagues which will fall upon the World as a result of their following the Anti-
Christ will likewise be from Him. Hasn`t it struck you odd that the people will redouble their efforts when smitten, according to Revelation? What does this say? I submit that this suggests that the very plagues which come directly from God will be blamed on-you guessed it-Man! Everything which happens in Revelation could be tied by the Gang Green to human activity. What plagues are present? Clearly, the Ozone is depleted; sunlight is said to scorch people. We have hurricanes, floods, the water is poisoned, the sky turns black. One third of all life is destroyed by these occurences, yet those who dwell on the Earth are more obstinate than ever. Famines, pestillences, wars, etc. will not make them turn course. Oh, and don`t forget the two objects which strike the Earth. Why? Because they will believe that these are of their own making, not from the Almighty-just as most Environmentalists believe today.

The Bible says the Anti-Christ will come in his own name, claiming in the Temple to be God. How will he do this? I`ll wager that nobody will realize that this is exactly what he has done when it happens. I`ll bet that he will claim the godhead in a sneaky way, proclaiming himself the embodiement of the spirit of modernity, as the defender of the Environment and of Man`s rational nature. It says that even Christians will be deceived by this fellow at first. I`ll bet he will be a member of the Gang Green.

Does God want us to pollute the Earth? No. Does He want us to keep the Earth pristine? I doubt it; a pristine world is an unlived-in world, and the world is here for man, man is not here for the world.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tim, being green is also considered a natioanal security issue. Such military leaders, in promoting security by being less dependent on buying crude from our risky partners, are known as "green hawks". Even xFed prez Allan Greenspan is promoting governmental policies that reduce our dependency on oil.
It's nice to know that honoring God's earth by being frugal and wise, instead of wasteful and fuelish, is hardly foolish.

9:18 AM  
Blogger Timothy Birdnow said...

Hi anonymous!

Thanks for a thoughtful comment! You make an interesting point, although I disagree on a number of levels.

First off, we simply cannot conserve enough to have a real effect on ``our risky business partners``; we need fuel, and if we don`t buy it our emerging friends the Chinese and Indians will. Conservation has it`s greatest impact on the mom-and-pop gas stations here in the States.

Second off, it is, at best, a stopgap measure with limited benefit. We cannot reduce our energy usage without condemning someone to poverty. Energy usage is the yardstick for measuring our economic well-being. The economy slows when energy usage slows, and this hurts people here and in third world countries which depend on trade with us and the low cost of food grown here in America. As a result, we can`t simply conserve energy and expect there to be no consequences. We will have to ramp back up at some point-at least as long as the world`s population continues to rise.

My question is, would many greens be willing to accept a massive buildup in viable alternatives? What we need to do is build many more nuclear plants and hydroelectric dams. The energy derived from them could be used to make hydrogen cost-effective, which would transition us from a dirty hydrocarbon economy to a relatively clean nuclear/hydrogen one. NO CO2 EMISSIONS! That is, if you believe the very mild warming we have witnessed is caused anthropogenic, and not a result of normal variations.

Kyoto would have slowed Global Warming, if you believe the environmentalists own figures, no more than ten years. In the process, the economic slowdown would have caused instability in the third world, those not in poverty would have slipped into it while the poor would starve, and the developing countries would be forced to increase emissions, since they would need to fill the markets abdicated by the United States.

You cannot credibly expect people to volunteer to be poor, and you cannot have robust economic growth in a growing world without retarding that economy.

And a weaker America economically is an insecure America; our national security is compromised by that.

I`m sorry to disagree, anonymous, but being green does the exact opposite of what it is intended to do, and I doubt God is honored by the suffering caused thereby.

At any rate, you made a good point, and I want to thank you for bringing it up. We can agree to disagree.

6:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You said in this post that it's mostly liberal Christians that view environmentalism as important, or at least that's what I understood from it. If I misunderstood that, I apologise. I have to disagree with that thought. I'm a conservative Christian who's very concerned about the earth, and I'm not worshipping it. I view that passage that you quoted as a charge from God for all of humanity to look after and to care for the earth. To me having dominion over something means that there's a responsibility to look after it and to care for it, not to abuse or to use or subjugate it for my own purpose. By doing what I can to look after the earth and to promote recycling or other means to do what I can for it, I'm doing what I can to follow God's charge. We have to live on the earth until God chooses otherwise, and so why shouldn't we look after it.

You said that global warming is claptrap - do you also believe that the earth is flat? I don't apologise for the tone of my comment - I just think that people who share your opinion don't seem to have a very educated view of things or are blind to what's going on in the world. To be labelled a liberal just because I want to live on a clean planet and want to take action to make it happen as much as I, one woman, can do is garbage. You can't just label people with a certain view because you don't agree with them or because you think that most people of a certain view are one way.

Global warming's been proven to be true. Yes, God has everything in control and He's in charge, but that doesn't mean that He wants us to just sit back and watch things happen. Rather, He wants us to do what's right, whether that's sharing the Gospel or anything else that He's told us He wants us to do.

Look into the facts before you label something as claptrap or someone as liberal. There're many ways to look at things that're non-essential to the Gospel, and you have to recognise that.

I'm doing this annonymously because I don't have a Blogger account. Otherwise I'd be happy to identify myself.

9:19 PM  
Blogger Palanivel Raja said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

6:58 AM  
Blogger Timothy Birdnow said...

Anonymous, you said;

``To be labelled a liberal just because I want to live on a clean planet and want to take action to make it happen as much as I, one woman, can do is garbage. You can't just label people with a certain view because you don't agree with them or because you think that most people of a certain view are one way.``

I`m sorry, but the overwhelming majority of people who are pushing this line ARE left of center; GW has been from the start pushed by the Left. Your denial strikes me as dubious.

Here is the real clincher;

You said that global warming is claptrap - do you also believe that the earth is flat?

Global warming's been proven to be true.``

Oh, really? Perhaps you should read through my archives. It has in no way been ``proven`` that Man is causing the very modest temperature increase. I suppose you think that the Earth has remained the same temperature throughout history? It hasn`t; it has been both considerably warmer, and considerably cooler, than now. There are adequate explanations of GW that do not involve CO2 emissions; a hotter sun, cosmic rays, and Malankovitch Cycles (wobbles in the Earth`s orbit)are three examples. Go here, here, and here for more details. (Apologies for the first link; you have to wade throught the first portion to get to the climate change information.)

Anthropogenic Global Warming has no ``proof``, only models. Computer models are only as good as the data fed into them, and we still know far too little about climate to put much stock in them.

Do not accuse others of being ignorant unless you are well-informed yourself. You are spending too much time in front of the telly (I suspect you are writing out of Britain given your spelling.) You have to dig a little deeper to find the truth.

`` Rather, He wants us to do what's right, whether that's sharing the Gospel or anything else that He's told us He wants us to do.``

I`ve already addressed that in my response to you, or the other anonymous; political policies will accomplish NOTHING except to damage the world economic engine. The resultant poverty caused by the slowdown will KILL poor people, and make their lives harder worldwide. Are you in this for the Lord, or yourself? You can feel good about yourself, tell yourself you are making a difference when in fact you are signing the death-warrants of people, or you can worry about the people and take care of their physical and spiritual needs. You have a nebulous theory which may cause problems somewhere down the road, but you will for certain hurt people in front of you by what you advocate. What will you choose? I believe God will bless those who take concrete steps to help others; He doesn`t need any help to keep His Creation in order. You are making yourself an idol by your claim.

Oh, and you devoted two sentences to explaining why you had to post anonymously when you could simply have typed in your name.

6:18 AM  

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