
A conservative news and views blog.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Global Warming Freezes Birdblog

The U.S. Supreme Court has been hearing a case brought by Massachussetts and other left-wing bastions intended to force the EPA to regulate CO2 as a pollutant. It is especially aimed at automobile exhaust, and it`s primary purpose is to stop the very dubious ``climate change`` believed by those on the left to be ushering in Armageddon. Ironically, the Midwest was hit with one of the worst blizzards in a decade at the very time the Court sat to hear evidence that We are overheating the planet.

Here in St. Louis it started with one of our characteristic ``Indian Summers`` in which temperatures reached 70*. Now, this has never been unusual in this crazy place, and it`s possible to have this sort of thing in January. Temperatures began to drop, and a steady rain rolled in which turned to sleet, icing the roads, then we were struck by probably a mere inch of snow (it was much heavier in western Missouri). Now, this doesn`t seem like much, but the ice was very heavy and it knocked out power throughout the metropolitan area. There are currently 500,000 people without electricity.

I realize our northern friends will laugh at this (you know who you are, Willms` and Dr. Mullin) but temperatures supposedly dropped into single digits last night, and few people here have fireplaces. Gas furnaces require electricity as much as electric heat, and so most of those without power were also without heat. Missouri rarely drops below 25* or so, and this presented a serious situation.

In fact, except for my brother-in-law, we were the only members of both our families to have electricity. (Ours went out for a mere two hours.) Fortunately, both of my wife`s sisters have fireplaces, so had at least some heat, but their parents were in sore need of a warm bed so we have taken them in until power is restored. My parents and brother (I don`t know what happened with my other brother in Kansas City) were both down, but stubbornly refused our invitation to slumber. (We have enough room, although I was going to have to sleep in the basement if everyone showed.)

During the great storm this summer, my parents were without power for 6 days, and it looks to be that long before they have it restored now.

In an effort to keep them from freezing to death, I had to round up emergency supplies; Kerosene lanterns, ``fire in a can``-an alcohol-based fireplace substitute, my propane stove which doubles as a makeshift heater, etc. Fortunately, I had enough of these things that I could bring to them; I have a lot of this stuff at my cabin in the Ozarks, and would not be able to get my hands on them. I have a kerosene heater, but it needs to be serviced, and I feared killing them with carbon monoxide since there is no way to vent it at their house. I know the thing nearly killed me the last time I used it!

At any rate, I had to hunt all over to find a gas station that hadn`t run out of kerosene, and essentially busted my hump getting these supplies ready. Fortunately, my mom`s stove still worked, so I had her put some large stock pots on to boil water, and the stove warmed the house considerably. I left feeling that they would be alright-I`m going to check on them this morning.

At any rate, it looks like we are in for another major outage, and the Governor should have declared a state of emergency, if he hasn`t already done so. The cold means freezing pipes throughout the city, which means no water and enormous damage. I had my parents (and my brother) turn their faucets on to keep the water flowing; it just may be enough, since the ground won`t be THAT cold. Still, working for a property management company, we are going to have a rough go for the next couple fo weeks.

I therefore apologize if blogging is a bit light; I may be quite busy for a while. I`ll try to keep things posted on a daily basis, and I`ll keep you all updated on developments here on the ground.




Blogger Sleepy Old Bear said...

Well, Tim, I may have to stop complaining about the weather on Cape Breton Island. We have next to no snow at all this season, while Calgary has been minus 30C, and even Victoria has, before the end of November, been hammered with snow and cold temperatures. Of course, we will get ours ... but in the meantime we are enjoying days at about 3 or 5, even the odd day at 13 C. We did lose power a week ago for a couple of hours (actually shut down the university for an afternoon), but nothing like what you folks are dealing with.

5:32 PM  
Blogger Timothy Birdnow said...

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5:27 AM  
Blogger Timothy Birdnow said...

It sounds like life is good at Comfortable Bed U., David! Maybe if it gets cold enough, Celeste and her friends will disappear under the covers till spring and you can have a little peace!

5:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good thought, that.

In the meantime ...

six inches of snow tonight.

I have an appointment to have the snow tires mounted ... at 1000 Tuesday!

Nice timing. NOT.

1:40 PM  

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