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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Liberal Jihad

You know, the rage evident in the Democrats and New Left in recent years has always struck me as familiar, and I`ve puzzled over this for quite some time. It recently occured to me where we`ve seen something startlingly similar-in Al Quada, Hamas, Hezbollah, etc. Despite the fact that Jihadists are diametrically opposed to everything liberals stand for, American lefties (and their counterparts throughout the world) share this bitter anti-Americanism, this rage at the world in general, and this desire to destroy institutions and systems.

Both groups are stuck in the past-the leftist in 1969 or 1917 or 20,000 b.c., while the Jihadist in 650, both aren`t taken seriously as thinkers and planners by the bulk of society and feel a powerlessness as a result, both have sexual motives (the liberal has always recruited through promises of sexual favor and libertinism while the Jihadists promise 72 virgins and a mule), both hate modernity (the lib wants a green, pastoral paradise of the neolithic, or at least the anti-industrial summer of love, while the Jihadist wants the Caliphate back) and seek to destroy the very thing which has given them life and given them the freedom to seek destruction and vengence. Liberalism and Islamic Jihad are both ultimately destructive, using force and coercion to impose their systems. They both hate free markets and capitalism. They both hate Christianity. They both hate the U.S. military. They both hate the Jews. They both hate our prosperity, our civility, our optimism and general happiness. They both hate us for who we are.

There is an old Arab proverb; the enemy of my enemy is my friend. The American left certainly has adopted this, choosing Islamism over the American system which has nurtured them and given them the freedom to criticize and, well, be stupid jackasses.

Once we understand these similarities, we can understand the near (?) treasonous behavior of the New York Times, the Democrats in Congress, the George Soros/Michael Moore/Moron.ogr; to these American Taliban WE are the true enemy, the true threat. Just as many German liberals supported Adolf Hitler, thinking he would do their dirty work and that they could then rid themselves of him, so too many on the Left see the Jihadists as a necessary evil to destroy those nogoodnicks-the Evangelicals, the Neocons, Haliburton and Big Oil, Big Tobacco, Israel, Walmart, and the rest of the trappings of the military/industrial complex and we can have a return to the simple communism of the neolithic, where man can laze about in the sun with his bevy of nubile young ladies and his homegrown gonja (of course,while listening to his cd`s and enjoying his playstation, but they never consider how they will power these gadgets.)

The Jihadists, for their part, hate liberalism almost as much as they do Israel, but will use these Dhimmi fools to advance their cause. They knew that if they continued to fight that sooner or later some half-witted American liberal would start talking Vietnam, and America would slink away at the point of victory. So we are in the process of doing at this very moment. The Jihadists alliance with the left has paid off. Of course, their time will come...

This gentler version of my commentary comes from the great Victor Davis Hanson via the Patriot:

What are the proximate causes here in America that send liberal criticism over the edge into pathological hysteria? Is it only that George Bush is a singular polarizing figure of Christian and Texan demeanor? Or is the current Left-wing savagery also a legacy of the tribal 1960s, when out-of-power protestors felt that expressions of speaking bluntly, even crudely, were at least preferable to ‘artificial’ cultural restraint? Or does the anger stem from the fact, that until last week, the Democrats had not elected congressional majorities in 12 years, and they’ve occupied the White House in only eight of the last 26 years. The Left’s current unruliness seems a way of scapegoating others for a more elemental frustration that without scandal or an unpopular war they cannot so easily gain a national majority based on European-based beliefs. More entitlements, higher taxes to pay for them, gay marriage, de facto quotas in affirmative action, open borders, abortion on demand, and radical secularism these liberal issues, at least for the moment, still don’t tend to resonate with most Americans and so must be masked by opponents’ scandals or overshadowed by a controversial war. Just as the Europeans are stunned that their heaven on earth has left them weak and afraid, so too millions of Americans on the Left are angry that their own promised moral utopia is not so welcomed by the supposedly less educated and bright among them.

Victor Davis Hanson



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recall a similar arrangement between liberals and communists. Since 1917 there were those in the West who supported the advent of the hammer and sickle over every European capital. The USSR was seen as hip and cool and the coming thing. Many well-known liberals---George Bernard Shaw among them---worked toward a ‘socialist future.’ The Reds of course used these useful idiots.

From the USSR our liberal flotsam went to the adoration of China, then Cuba, then Vietnam and now to the jihadists. Nothing has changed but the name of their pals.

Such types are awash in America hatred. They flee from reason and decency. One look at the personal lives of these America haters tells you all you need to know. Drugs, weird perversions, odd spiritual trappings, a hatred of the sacred and the sublime---all hallmarks of our domestic foes.

There is a certain fawning, supplicating attitude of these folk when they are in the presence of a real jihadist. One look at CNN reporters shows this. They secretly admire such men.

1:19 AM  

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