
A conservative news and views blog.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Sunday, December 03, 2006

A Cold Tomb for the Russians?

Our good friend Aussiegirl sent me this article about the growing Islamic population in Russia. This dovetails with my American Thinker piece Empty Womb in which I warn about the disappearance of the peoples of Rus, and the dangers of those who seek to replace them.

At least the Russians are becoming aware of this problem, and are making an effort to fight back. Whether they will succeed is another matter; their fertility rate is far too low, and their high abortion rates are shrinking their population at a perilous rate. Will there be a Russia in 2106? Unless things change drastically, the answer is no.

There is going to come a moment when Western Civilization realizes the predicament it is in, when the Grand Illusions of liberalism will be blown aside and the fruits thereof-the dissolution and death of our nations, cultures, and ways of life-become apparent to the majority. By the time that happens it may be too late to save the West, but it may not be too late to stop the war of survival which will follow, and of course Islam, China, etc. will be prepared to go to the mat for their hegemony.

Time is growing short.

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