
A conservative news and views blog.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Thursday, December 09, 2004

When You`re Right, You`re Right!

The Times of London publishes an article entirely proving my point. They say that Blair is going to pressure the United States to accept ``Kyoto lite``, an excrement sandwich with extra latrine gravy. You will note that part of what they want the U.S. to do is concede the science! I always understood science (real science) to be about finding the truth, and not requiring a political consensus to be true. Liberals have a different view; they believe reality is whatever enough people believe, so by pushing a treaty with a ``scientific consensus`` written in it is de facto the truth. Once accepted, they can begin pushing their socialist agenda on us.

Which is clearly what this is all about. This is a political maneuver to economically damage the United States. Why haven`t the signiatories of Kyoto been able to fulfill the committment to emissions reduction without the U.S. ? Because they have no intention of costing themselves one penny to help the environment. What they really want is to hamstring the behemoth-the United States. The Left has found in environmentalism the perfect con; all human activity effects the environment in some fashion. For example, cattle are one of the biggest polluters, damaging river banks and releasing methane gas. Under a strict environmentalist policy we would have to seriously restrict our beef production, forcing us to eat soy and rice with green tea and tofu-just like the moonbeam left has always wanted! Automobiles put out carbon monoxide and, therefore, should be banned in favor of public transportation. In fact, people exhale CO2 and therefore strict population controls should be put into place. There is no end to the madness if we allow ourselves to be led down this path.

The link to the Times article is,,2-1395222,00.html.



Blogger Aussiegirl said...

Great article!! Excrement sandwich with extra latrine gravy!!! LOL!! and eeeuuuuwww!! (that is polluting, BTW)

Of course you are right. The left rides into power on the Trojan horse of the lovely sounding idea of "environmentalism". The concept of "science" as being subordinated to human desires and also -- primarily politics -- is a purely Marxist/Soviet idea. Remember how the Sovietskis had the crazy Lysenko, who contradicted Mendel and thought that acquired characteristics could become heritable. He tried to prove this by doing crazy things like cutting off the tails of mice so they would eventually breed with shorter ones. (Although whether or not mice with shorter tails would be as handily caught in a Russian mousetrap is another question.)

Of course, this was all in the service of that great idea that the "communist man" could be bred by creating the right sort of environment. The "Homo Sovieticus". The only such creature they ever managed to produce was the guy who worked for the state and had no incentive to do any work. The old Soviet joke was: They pretend to pay us, and we pretend to work.

That -- and of course a lot of death and human misery.

Great writing, as always. When are you going to submit another article to the American Thinker? You have such a great style and great ideas.

7:29 PM  

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