
A conservative news and views blog.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Nuclear War Approaching

Michael Simpson, writing at the Reform Club, links to a ``future history`` retrospective on the nuclear war between Iran and America.

I am forced to concur; if Iran developes atomic weapons, they will use them-probably through terrorists to avoid retalliation. What can we do? The World will oppose any action by us, and we will be in the terrible position of either taking the loss of one or more cities (and emboldening our enemy) or retalliating in kind and murdering millions of innocent people. Neither option is acceptable.

But we are fast approaching the point of no return. Iran learned from Saddam and has buried their facilites in bomb-proof bunkers. (Remember the Israeli raid on the Osirak reactor?) Given the abyssmal intelligence we have on Iran, it is doubtful we could destroy their program with air strikes. We would need to send in black-ops, if we even know where all of their facilities are located, which is doubtful. We risk angering the pro-American civilians with air strikes, I might add. Furthermore, we really need to use those nuclear bunker busters to accomplish our objective. THAT would earn us universal condemnation.

Regime change was the only viable option. This could have been accomplished through a Contra-style assisted rebellion, but that solution is doubtful at this late hour. Are we prepared to invade Iran? That may be our only alternative.

I fear we will fiddle, play our silly partisan games, and make merry until the awful day is upon us.



Blogger Alnot said...

Which is why we should attack the sites with nuke bunker busters to give them a taste of what nuclear arms do. Maybe take out a city like we did with Hiroshima and wait for surrender and then take out another one until they get the point. What is better a hundred thousand or so dying or millions dying by letting things go. The Japanese certainly got the message.

11:21 AM  
Blogger Always On Watch said...

I fear we will fiddle, play our silly partisan games, and make merry until the awful day is upon us.

We must make the first strike. I don't see any other choice.

6:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

terrorists smuggle say ten or twenty w.o.m.d of chemical, biological, nuclear, 'dirty' or whatever bombs into U.S and European cities, they detonate three similtaneously then issue demands or the others are detonated one by one. That is what the west is facing. They get control of oil supplies? the economic impact and uncertainty is too frightening to contemplate, hence i must agree with always on watch, the above senario cannot be allowed to happen. we take them out or we're taken out. the average person just doesn't get it - w.o.m.d have changed the rules.

9:56 PM  
Blogger Timothy Birdnow said...

Al and AOS, I couldn`t agree more; we can`t sit idly by and wait for Iran to make the first move. We simply have to act, decisively and immediately. The longer we wait, the more will die.

Welcome to Birdblog, Leelion!

You paint a frightening and accurate picture!

You`re right; most people just don`t understand the gravity of what we are facing. I once read (and I don`t remember where) that a majority of Americans believe we have some sort of ABM system to knock down enemy missiles! Most Americans don`t understand the limits to our abilities, and can`t fathom the power of WMD`s. Terrorists in possession of such weapons is a recipe for the Apocalypse.

Great comment! Thanks for visiting.

5:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I fear we will fiddle, play our silly partisan games, and make merry until the awful day is upon us."

Yes, Tim, commonly known as playing the ostrich. Everyone hopes it will just go away. However, we live in a world of sometimes brutal reality. As my old man used to say, "Wish with one hand and wash with the other and see which gets clean first."

6:23 PM  

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