
A conservative news and views blog.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Il Presidente` Malaise Part Dos

Readers of Birdblog know that our current gas inflation is the result of a number of terrible governmental policies including excessive taxation from the well to the pump, draconian environmental regulations which will not allow for new exploration and development, gas formulation requirements which demand ``designer blends`` for different areas, and poor handling of foreign suppliers. The tired accusation of ``price gouging`` by the Left is the ultimate in the pot calling the Kettle black, and were I in control of a major oil company I would hit back hard with information and statistics illustrating how Big Government is the real gouger here.

Our old friend Static Noise has identified another reason for the rise in oil prices; President Malaise (er, Bush) pushed forward a disastrous ``energy policy which, thanks to his pandering to Archer Daniels Midland and ``Big Ethanol`` has caused prices to spike.

President Bush is resembling former President Carter more all of the time; soon he`ll be telling people to set their thermostats at 55* and walk around in sweaters. I suppose he expects America will keep warm from Global Warming and the influx of Mexicans which will lead the Republic to change to spicier foods. Perhaps he can import ponchos from south of the border to help in this crisis or maybe we could use burrows to replace cars as grocery-getters?

We import oil from Mexico. If the President is on such good terms with Vicente Fox that he is willing to shill for Greater Mexico, he should at least get oil concessions.

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