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Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Monday, June 12, 2006

Fettuccini Albedo, or Why Creamy Cloud Cover Burns the Roof of Gaia`s Mouth

The debate on Global Warming rages on, and this piece in Livescience dumps gasoline on the fire; in the last 5 years the Earth`s albedo (reflectivity) has increased, for unclear reasons. Cloud cover can either warm or cool the planet-depending on the type of clouds involved. Lower atmospheric clouds tend to reflect heat and lead to a general cooling, while higher clouds act as a blanket, holding heat in the atmosphere. What we are witnessing is an increase in the higher, heat-trapping types. What is going on?

Solar-driven Global Warming, that`s what`s going on! This fits perfectly with the theories by Sami Solanki from the Max Planck Institute, as well as Henrick Svensmark of the Danish Meteorological Institute. You see, periods of heavy sunspot activity (like now) coincide with warmer periods historically (in fact, the Sun is warmer than it has been in ove 11,000 years), and an increase in the level of Cosmic Rays which leak through the Earth`s magnetic field during higher solar activity leads to cloud formation. The Solar Wind interacts with Cosmic Rays, effecting the amount which strikes the Earth. (It`s also important to note that the solar wind would tend to strike the Earh`s atmosphere at the poles, which could explain the famous ``ozone hole`` and why it closed; we are just now leaving the cyclical peak.)

There are othere scientists who believe that increased radiation alone accounts for the rise in terrestrial temperatures we see; after all, the planet Mars is undergoing a similar rise.

The more we learn about the Earth`s atmosphere and climate, the more complex the system appears. That is the trouble with the Anthropogenic Global Warming theory; it uses computer models which oversimplify the situation. A model is, by it`s very nature, a simplification; if it were as complex as the original, there would be no value in having a model. The problem is that we simply don`t understand nearly enough about our own world to create a valid working model. Chaos theory holds that, after a certain point, complexity becomes impossible to model accurately. I suspect that is the case overall with climate; we simply have no way of knowing what is happening inside of the Sun, how the other planets effect our climate, what is going on in interstellar space which could have an effect. The Earth is constantly bombarded with debris from space. How does that matter? How do variations in the Earth`s orbit matter? In the Lunar orbit? Life has obviously changed the environment; how do changes in the biosphere effect the atmosphere? What is going on INSIDE of the Earth which will effect things?

That`s not to say we shouldn`t try to understand this, it`s just that our grasp exceeds our capabilities. The arrogance of the Climate Change crowd is shocking, when we have so many variables in play. We don`t understand the absorbtion mechanisms for many gasses, we don`t understand the overall effects of the Oceans, etc. The attempt to whip America and the World into a panic over a 1* rise in planetary temperatures in over a century is, in my opinion, irresponsible and politically motivated.

The Left loves to overcomplicate straightforward issues, yet they seem strangely content to accept the easy answers here.

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