
A conservative news and views blog.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Friday, October 27, 2006

Leggo My Eggo

As the election draws nigh the weasles in the Media are going into CYA mode. They have been telling us for months that it is all over except for the office repainting, but now we are being treated to more waffles than can be found at an IHOP.

Here is a case in point from America`s greatest prevaricators-the New York Times. They are crowing the dire warning that, indeed, black Americans may not project their righteous indignation at the evil Rovian Republicans after all-because they believe Rove will once again steal the election and prevent them from voting!

How dare they! How can Republicans make minority voters show up at the polls during voting hours, or demand they prove they are registered to vote, or that they are who they claim to be? Why, they are even so low as to use intimidation tactics like sending police cars (and you KNOW what that means) to crime scenes on election day! The BASTARDS!!!

Oh the Humanity! It looks like Rove, Chaney, and Halliburton are going to steal the election again, and the poor Democrats-like those disenfranchised voters who registered through ACORN in Missouri-will get the shaft!

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