
A conservative news and views blog.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Live For Today, Die Tomorrow

More on the Ukrainian baby harvesting mills:

Hill said he eventually obtained videotaped evidence of the infanticides and abortions from Tatyana Zhakarova, from the Federation Of Families With Many Children.

"Tatyana discovered many more infants had died at the hospital in similarly odd circumstances. And after intensive lobbying, the authorities eventually agreed to have the tiny bodies of around 30 babies exhumed and examined," Hill wrote in the Daily Mail.

"Tatyana showed me the video she had been allowed to record of the post-mortem examinations that followed. The gruesome film shows the carcasses of babies, some of whom were full-term, with their organs and brains missing," Hill added.

Hill reports that the Council Of Europe has started its own investigation of the barbaric stem cell trade and it's first report talks of a "culture of trafficking of children snatched at birth and a wall of silence from hospital staff upwards over their fate."

Throughout history life was held cheaply, and the ancients of many different cultures frequently sacrificed to their gods, or killed because it was just convenient. Judaism changed that, with the Commandment ``thou shalt not kill`` and Christianity extended the concept of the sanctity of life into a universally recognized proposition. We are outraged at things like this because of our Judeo-Christian heritage, not (as many atheists would like us to believe) in spite of it. Unfortunately, times are changing, and a spirit of apostasy is upon us; we shouldn`t be surprised at this sort of thing. We have shrugged our shoulders at abortion, at euthanasia, and at fetal stem-cell research; why shouldn`t babies be killed for their stem-cells? A baby is as helpless as an unborn fetus, after all, and will quickly die without constant care. Darwin has taught us that the strong survive to breed, and the weak die. Certainly we have the right to select our breeding stock, and to use the weak for our greater good!

The rise of Humanistic Materialism has meant a return to the ancient, to the sacrifices to the blood gods. Instead of Kulkulkin or moles we sacrifice to Darwin, or Watson and Crick, or Margaret Sanger. We kill for money and health, for beauty and youth, for ease and convenience. We, like the ancient high priests, salve our consciences by consigning these deaths to the greater good, when they are ultimately for our own petty benefit.

Our civilization is waning-especially in Europe where the population is dropping precipitously-yet we continue to lower the bar on our valuation of human life. Now, more than ever, respect for life is vital, yet the decadents in Europe continue to trivialize it while their society and people die. They are in the terminal stages of a corruption, and soon will pay the terrible penalty for their sins.

Why is Latin America making so many inroads here in the States? Because they have children and we don`t. Ditto the Islamic World (which does not respect life, but which believes in bearing children). We, who really do know better, have spit upon the most fundamental birthright, and are surprised at the results.

A culture which sees people in terms of utility should not be surprised at the fruits that result; why should teenagers not treat each-other as objects for their personal pleasure? Why are we surprised at out of wedlock births and venereal diseases, when we have objectified our bodies? Why not steal, or assault, or kill? If we are merely animated meat, why not rape or sodomize? Survival of the fittest! Why not throw your newborn child in a trash can, or shake your baby to death? You could abort it legally until it actually comes out of the womb. Utility without objective standards guarantees the ills which plague our civilization.

So it should come as no surprise that children are being stolen to harvest for their stem-cells for very dubious beauty treatments; we have created a climate conducive to this. We have denied the spirit in favor of the material, and the material alone means we act on our own pleasures of the moment.

Those who seek pleasures of the moment only will find they have no future.

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