The Green Kingdom of Anti-Christ
More Green Evangelicalism chronicled at the American Spectator Online.
I ask you Green Christians once again; is God, or is God not, in control? By what arrogance do we believe we have to ``save`` His Creation? Furthermore, where are we commanded to place ``stewardship`` over the salvation of souls and feeding the poor? A reduction in greenhouse gas emissions means a reduction in industrial productivity and transportation, which means the poor get poorer. Your efforts to ``save the planet`` without God`s help will result in poverty and starvation worldwide, how will you answer Him on the Day of Judgment?
Where in Scripture is Global Warming mentioned, and where does Yahweh command us to combat it? I seem to remember that the Book of Revelation mentions a series of plagues sent BY GOD to punish the wicked for following the Beast; do you believe that environmental change comes first from God, or are you so arrogant as to believe that we can willfully thwart His will, and so must exercise governmental power to force people to conform?
It should be pointed out that government is the monster the harlot is riding in Revelation, and that the kingdom of anti-christ is oppression by governmental authority. By building a worldwide environmental enforcement mechanism, you are building the means whereby the Beast can dominate his slaves. Do Evangelicals want to be part of that oppression? Is friendship with the world so important to you that you will sell your souls to be ``relevant`` to modernity?
How will you answer for this when Christ returns?
I ask you Green Christians once again; is God, or is God not, in control? By what arrogance do we believe we have to ``save`` His Creation? Furthermore, where are we commanded to place ``stewardship`` over the salvation of souls and feeding the poor? A reduction in greenhouse gas emissions means a reduction in industrial productivity and transportation, which means the poor get poorer. Your efforts to ``save the planet`` without God`s help will result in poverty and starvation worldwide, how will you answer Him on the Day of Judgment?
Where in Scripture is Global Warming mentioned, and where does Yahweh command us to combat it? I seem to remember that the Book of Revelation mentions a series of plagues sent BY GOD to punish the wicked for following the Beast; do you believe that environmental change comes first from God, or are you so arrogant as to believe that we can willfully thwart His will, and so must exercise governmental power to force people to conform?
It should be pointed out that government is the monster the harlot is riding in Revelation, and that the kingdom of anti-christ is oppression by governmental authority. By building a worldwide environmental enforcement mechanism, you are building the means whereby the Beast can dominate his slaves. Do Evangelicals want to be part of that oppression? Is friendship with the world so important to you that you will sell your souls to be ``relevant`` to modernity?
How will you answer for this when Christ returns?
There is money to be made and power to be had in this global warming debate.The more doom and gloom being spread the faster wallets are opened and the more people flock to it.
Heres something you might want to check out. I ran across an article at called "This Is What Poverty looks Like"good read! They had a link here:
Thanks, Mike!
You`re right; the love of money is the root of all evil, and environmentalism has deep roots indeed! There are fortunes to be made (and lost) through Climate Change prophecy.
It`s about time somebody turned the tables on these guys, and showed them for what they are; they`ve been trying to tar anyone who disagrees with them as money-grubbing crooks.
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