
A conservative news and views blog.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Monday, March 19, 2007

The Great Oxymoron

Wil Wirtanen sends his thoughts on ``progressive`` Liberalism:

The Great Oxymoron

As I listen to the progressive democrat solutions for the myriad of problems of this country, I have to come to the conclusion that they are neither progressive nor democratic. Their solutions conjure up Yogi Berra, “It’s de jevu all over again”
Let’s look at some of their solutions for some of our pressing problems.
The biggest problem on the table is obviously Iraq. What do they want us to do, cut and run (oops, redeploy). Let’s think about this strategy a second. Sounds like Vietnam, as most of the libs rant on endlessly.

What was the result of this strategy? Two million dead in Cambodia, hundreds of thousands if not a million people boat people. Not to mention the million that went to education camps of which approximately 165,000 died. Some victory strategy. It took a decade for the US to regain its confidence and prestige, with no help from our Nobel Prize boob, Jimmy Carter.

Did the US during setback at the Battle of Bulge redeploy to England? No, we had people like Patton that went in and kicked ass. He was not concerned about hurt feelings, just killing the enemy.

If you listen to the libs global warming is either the first or second largest problem confronting mankind.

One of their solutions is to shut down the debate on the validity of their hypothesis, and it is only a hypothesis. They threaten private enterprises for their funding of more investigations to reach an answer. We have death threats to people that disagree with their religious zeal. It harkens back to the Inquisition.
Then they want us to use windmills, how quaint, how 19th centuryish. The US did not become an industrial giant by depending on an unreliable power source. What are next, waterwheels to power our computers?

The development of a cheap reliable source of energy is one of the cornerstones of our manufacturing greatness.

Another GW solution comes from the feudal lord Al Gore telling us how we should live. As he sits in his castle sucking up 20 times the resources of the average person, we commoners have to sacrifice and pay higher energy prices.
If you look at their economic solutions, they are no better. They want to take us back to Depression Era regulations, in a time of unprecedented time of growth for this country.

Universal healthcare. We have Medicare bankrupting the US government and yet they want the government to pay for everyone’s healthcare. Even a child knows enough not to touch a hot stove after getting burnt.
You want to show a program that explains the run-up to 9/11? Then Reid and company will overtly threaten the broadcast company. It harkens back to the Stalinist era.
The democrats would be more aptly called the regressive totalitarians. At least, it would be honest.

You finally have to ask how can the US move to into the future, when so many have regressive thinking?

Wil Wirtanen

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