
A conservative news and views blog.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Happy St. Paddy`s Day!

Top O` the mourning to you (and the rest of the day for myself)! It`s St. Patrick`s Day, and I, being perhaps half-Irish (me middle name is Kennedy, so named after me sainted mother`s family who are, alas, distantly related to a certain scoundrel family with bad driving habits in Massachussetts) I will be attending the St. Patrick`s day parade and celebrating me Irish half into the wee hours (well, probably until late afternoon, at any rate). I`ll try to post something tomorrow, but don`t come a-looking until later in the day!

Of course, most people haven`t but the foggiest idea of who St. Patrick is, and what we celebrate on this day. Most think the ``wearin` O` the green`` is cause enough to party, which is what this day has become, but St. Patrick was a real saint, and a hero to boot! As a boy he was enslaved by the Irish, escaped back to Britain, but returned to Ireland and the Divine calling to attempt to Christianize a then-barbaric people. His amazing results had enormous consequences in his time and ever since, and he is a man who should be revered as one of the truly great men of history! Go here to read his story.

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