
A conservative news and views blog.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Solutions in Violence

This from the Federalist:

At once the most preposterous and the most dangerous of contemporary beliefs is ‘nothing was ever settled by violence.’ A cursory reading of history makes it clear that virtually every important development in the history of mankind has been, for good or ill, a product of violence.

Jack Kelly

One of the most amazing characteristics of liberals is their ability to tell a lie to themselves and actually believe it. Liberal pacifism is a classic example; many of them truly believe that violence doesn`t solve anything. Really? I suppose the Confederacy is still holding slaves? Hitler`s Third Reich still occupies France? Napoleon did not die on St. Helena, but lead his Greater France to Imperial conquest?

This notion, often taught to unfortunate smaller children in grammar school to the mirth of bullies everywhere, is demonstrably false on almost every level, yet many in the moonbat left-especially those misguided souls in the Religious Left-slavishly follow this doctrine as Gospel (literally in the case of the religious left, who misunderstand what Jesus was trying to say).

Of course, the inner core of the Left, the planners and plotters of revolution, know full well the silliness of this concept; they mean it to apply to their enemies-Conservatives, Christians and Jews, and the United States in general. But they have, with the aid of their ever-loyal allies in the media and academia, succeeded in filtering thiridiculousos proposition down to the general public where it has become the accepted wisdom. Too many people in the Western World want to apply this insanity to the clash of civilizations in which we are currently engaged.

This pacifism is a recipe for being overrun by the barbarians who are currently at our gates. There is no way we can negotiate with Iran, for example, since the Iranians fear neither Death nor Hell, and laugh at our obvious weakness. It is going to take force exercised in some capacity to deal with Iran-and Iran is at the epicenter of the terrorism problem, and has been since the Ayatollah Khomeini seized power (thanks, Jimmy!)

Now, force doesn`t necessarily mean all-out war, although it could come to that. It could mean surgical strikes, or blockade, or any number of other options. But it will come down to that.

We clearly haven`t learned our lesson, despite ``America held hostage``, despite the innumerable terrorist attacks against us through the years, despite the ``insurgency`` in Iraq now; you cannot convert such an enemy into a friend if they do not gain the ultimate respect for you, and that enemy needs pay a high price to gain that respect.

That respect must be enforced in blood if we are to end this continual aggression against us. They attack because they think us weak, and what we see as enlightened and tolerant they despise as cowardly and timid. They don`t respect our power and restraint, but see us as fools too weak and stupid to use the power we possess. Our current course of action is guaranteed to bring out the very worst in our enemies and ourselves. Our options are narrowing as we let matters drift.Adolphlf Hitler admitted that he would have been finished had the French showed any courage and stopped him in the Sudatenland. Their unwillingness to act in a small way then lead to the greatest war in history, the most bloodshed. We are dancing merrily down the same path.

We do that because we have come to accept the belief that ``violence never solves anything`` in spite of all the teaching of history. The Left has done a fine job of confusing the teachings of the Bible-Old Testament admonitions to charity and kindness, Jesus` teaching to ``turn the other cheek`` from personal admonitions to matters of state policy. Jesus, for example, was quite harsh when it came to certain matters-the Pharisees, the money changers, etc. The Bible states quite clearly that the King was given ``the power of the sword to punish evildoers`` and what can you call Jihadist murderers BUT evildoers? What does the power of the sword mean? It doesn`t mean jail, chum! It means the power to KILL bad men. Soldiers defending the innocent are doing the work of the Lord!

But Liberals have tricked people into believing that WWJD, if applied here, means we allow our enemies to overrun us, since we have to turn the other cheek. His use of force on the money-changers in the Temple was a meraberrationon; Jesus NEVER excused violence! Too many people, some of them good, decent folks, have fallen for this hook-line-and sinker.

So we are to do the noble thing, settle our affairs, and vanish into that good night, according to our leftie friends. (The more fools, they; Islam will cut their jugulars far more quickly than their age-old enemies in Christendom.)

We had better wake up to the fact that sometimes ONLY violence can solve a problem. Bullies don`t reform because of the decency of their prey; they usually learn by having their teeth knocked down their throats by a stronger adversary they misjudged. Islamic Jihad is bullie writ large; it`s time we, the stronger adversary misjudged, knock their teeth down their throats!

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