
A conservative news and views blog.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Iraqi Anthrax

The American Thinker is reporting that the anthrax used in the attacks on the United States following 911 could well have been made by the Iraqis.

I have been baffled by the accusations that this attack came from a disgruntled scientist here in the States, when there was considerable evidence that Iraq had these weapons, and, of course, had no qualms about using them. The only thing I can think of is that the Bush Administration wanted to avoid public panic by saying this was an American threat.

I`ve never believed that, nor have I ever believed that the WMD`s weren`t in Iraq. President Bush conceded that point way to early, and it has cost the country dearly because had the public known that the weapons were in Syria they would have supported a more aggressive approach. As things stand, the dearth of weapons soured the public on the War, giving ammunition to the peaceniks and hippies chanting ``Bush lied and people died!``.

If it can be proved that Iraq made the anthrax used in the attacks, the findings must be released to the public.

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