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Monday, June 13, 2011

Brooklyn-Queens NOW Supports Weiner

Jack Kemp

Let's put NOW in burkas/hijabs and be through with it.

The New York Daily News reports that:

The head of the Brooklyn/Queens chapter of the National Organization for Women said she could separate (Anthony) Weiner's sexcapades from the liberal track record that earned the group's support.

"I wasn't happy to discover that my congressman is a 14-year-old boy," said Julie Kirshner, president of the NOW chapter.

"But he happens to be one of the best politicians out there, so we're in a bad position. We're trying to give him the benefit of the doubt."

In a climate of excusing politically powerful men from sexually demeaning their wives and other women in public, exactly how many generations will it take before this dismissal of Judeo-Christian values becomes a mirror image of sharia law's treatment of women? A real 14 year old boy sees this and knows that NOW sanctions - and what he can get away with if grows up to be a "liberal" politician. While Ms. Kirshner thinks she can compartmentalize her thinking, I would remind her that the Titanic was compartmentalized and things didn't work out so well there. Even without rewriting any current civil rights law, if the Democratic Party condones a cultural climate of abuse of women, how long will it be before most women with no political connections lose their rights to have laws that protect them enforced in court?

Perhaps Ms. Kirshner doesn't have a 17 year old daughter (I don't know). But any number of men and women who do would not be so nonchalant about such an abuser of old fashioned standards of decency. As one journalist put it, in the old days, if someone acted like Weiner did in a neighborhood, a number of male neighbors would pummel him until he had an "attitude adjustment."

Today the celebrity gossip site TMZ posted a series of 11 photos of Anthony Weiner, one being a full frontal nude self portrait taken at the US House of Representatives gym with his hand covering, i.e., grabbing his genitals. If he can get away with this now, will he take off his clothes on the floor of the US House next year? You object? You Judeo-Christian prude!

I happen to live near Anthony Weiner and have talked with two women on the street near his apartment whose
attitude matched Ms. Kirshner's. Both of them were in their forties. I also witnessed today a father trying to explain the crowd in front of Weiner's apartment house to his daughter of approximately five years of age. He told her Weiner did a bad thing and was having trouble trying to explain her curious questions as to what bad thing Weiner did. So being the parent of a little - or bigger - girl is also a factor in one's attitude towards Weiner. Or it will become moreso of a problem as Weiner's attempt to mainstream deviant behavior is better understood by parents and others - and be considered less "sophisticated."

Caligula and the Weimar Republic share the same degree of "sophistication" as Anthony Weiner. How did that work out for the rest of society?

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