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Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Friday, June 10, 2011

Weiner is small fry in corrupt Democratic Party

Dana Mathewson

Urgent Agenda's Bill Katz "borrows" a line from me as he opens an article: There's a death watch on Congressman Anthony Weiner, with the belief growing that it's only a matter of time before the resignation of the man who definitively answered the question, "Boxers or briefs?"

This quotes an article from Investor's Business Daily which asks why the investigation of Rep. Maxine Waters has stalled. Katz continues:

"And it goes on and on. And Charlie Rangel also remains in Congress, reelected by a whopping margin, despite a proved record of corruption. Both Waters and Rangel are members of the Congressional Black Caucus. The black vote is absolutely essential to the Democratic Party. Without it, the party could not win a presidential election. I suspect that is a major factor in going easy on CBC members."

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