
A conservative news and views blog.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Stop the Palin Piling

Timothy Birdnow

This from MRC, courtesy of my father-in-law:

With the release of 24,000 of Sarah Palin's emails,
The New York Times and Washington Post are aggressively
recruiting readers to "investigate" her emails -- no
doubt looking for dirt!

This is utterly outrageous and demands an immediate
response from conservative Americans who are demanding
an end to these kinds of despicable attacks!

Can you imagine either of these news rags recruiting
readers to pour over President Obama's emails?

I've already taken action by emailing my personal
outrage directly to key executives at both the NYT
and WaPo, and I'm urging you to do the same.

Don't let this witch hunt against Sarah Palin go
unchallenged. Click below and the Media Research
Center will immediately deliver your emails to the
NYT and WaPo!

Click here to send your emails:

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