
A conservative news and views blog.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Weiner's "Women" are often also Guilty

Jack Kemp

LZ Granderson makes a strong case about many of Anthony Weiner's online female companions. This is a good article.

Here's a quote:

Meagan Broussard, another woman who corresponded with Weiner, has been making the media rounds this week talking about the dozens of photos and e-mails between herself and Weiner. ABC News reportedly paid her between $10,000 and $15,000 to license examples of her correspondence with Weiner.

She said she found Weiner on Facebook after hearing him deliver a speech, so she knew he was a congressman. She said Weiner accepted her "friend" request, meaning she pushed the "add as friend" button, which is millimeters above the statement "married to Huma Abedin" on his Facebook page.

None of that stopped her from flirting or sending pictures of herself to Weiner. And then she had the audacity to end her post on Breitbart's with "I just hope to be left in peace." Reeeeaalllly?


It seems that if you didn't want people to know you were involved with a married man before TMZ came knocking at the door, revealing explicit pictures and e-mails and text messages after the fact makes you just as questionable as the Weiners and Woodses and Edwardses.

If cheating men don't deserve a break, why are we giving their camera-chasing mistresses one?

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