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Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Saturday, March 17, 2007

By The Company They Keep

I have been saying that we are in a new Cold War with Russia, although most Americans (perhaps not even our own President) do not realize it. Here is an article detailing the most recent example of this; Moscow has been courting Hamas, inviting the terror organization`s leaders to red-carpet meetings and removing them from the official Russian terror-watch list.

President Bush made several things abundantly clear:
1.Terrorist groups with international reach are considered the enemies of the United States.
2.If you are not with us, you are with the terrorists.

Russia has been thwarting our entire Mideast policy for years, up to and including supplying weapons to the insurgents fighting our troops in Iraq. The only reason Russia has for fornicating with Hamas thugs is to use them as a prophylactic for sodomizing Uncle Sam. Russia ultimately considers us their enemies, and they are, as in the old Soviet era, propping up the bad guys to hurt and exhaust the United States.

This is a very dangerous game they are playing, since Islamic Jihad has the corrupt non-Muslim Russia as much in it`s sights as the West. Does Putin think that they will be left alone, after the problems in Chechnya? Does he believe he can control the beast after he has let it out of it`s cage? He should read the story of the Gingerbread Man!

President Bush has blundered badly in his reliance on Putin. Bush has a terribly naive belief that he can extend the hand of friendship, turn the other cheek when slapped, and that this will bring about a change of heart in his enemies. It works sometimes on a personal level, but it is as ridiculous a policy for national and international relations as Jimmy Carter`s emphasis on human rights as a determinating principle in foreign affairs; both rely on the goodness of the human spirit, something which is simply not realistic when dealing with evil and aggressive men. Putin is the new boss, same as the old boss, and Bush fell into a trap as surely as Jimmy Carter did with the Ayatollah Khomeini. Khomeini and Putin are cut from the same tyrannical cloth.

Had we made the proper moves Russia could have been liberated from the Tsarist/Bolshevik/Plutocrat yoke, but we have failed miserably. President Bush, who seems so determined to impose Democracy in the Middle-East, was unusually reticent to push for it in Russia, where, after the fall of Communism, it had a much better chance of success. His loving gaze into Putin`s eyes meant a pro-Putin policy, allowing the KGB thug to consolidate power. Now we are reaping the fruits of a weak policy based on personal friendship and hollow assurances. Russia has clearly become our enemy.

President Bush let Comrade Putin and his Dancing Teeth off the hook for their duplicity in the runup to the Iraq War, and he should never have let them get away with that! They were eyeball-deep with Saddam in violating the U.N. embargo, in arms sales, in just about every other dirty trick which has made it so difficult to straighten out the mess in the Mideast. Bush didn`t want to embarrass his ``friends``, so he has gone so far as to take terrible political bludgeoning over missing weapons (many of which we have actually found) rather than expose his dear chums to their own political pressures. (As I have pointed out, the French and Russians virtually ran into Lebanon after the recent cessation of hostilities, and I have no doubt it was to further hide or dispose of the weapons Syria stashed there for Saddam.) This has allowed Putin to begin a campaign of poisoning his enemies. There will be no equivalent of an Orange Revolution, because we have been carrying the Russian government`s water.

Russia will be gone in 50 years, but I draw little satisfaction from that knowledge because She can do enormous damage in her death-throes. Putin wants to play at being a Great Tsar, but his kingdom will be taken from him and given to another in due course, and he will end a footnote in the history of Mankind. We in the United States can have a far greater impact on this world, and can be blessed by future generations, if we awaken to the dangers posed by this petty Ivan the Great pretender and take action.

We cannot keep hiding from the dangers posed by our enemies. Putin has made it abundantly clear he is not with us. We should follow the Bush Doctrine!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tim, This is a two way street. Dont you think the opening of US bases in Poland and Czechoslovakia and placing anti-ballistic missiles on Russia`s front door has led to some of this?Im not defending Russia`s involvement in Iran`s nuclear program which in the end will be a larger threat to them then us.

11:24 AM  

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