
A conservative news and views blog.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Saturday, January 22, 2005

A Day Of Mourning

Today is the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision of Roe V. Wade, the landmark ruling which overturned state authority to restrict abortion. The Court asserted that the Constitution has an implied right to privacy written into it, and that this implied right means that States cannot make laws restricting a woman from reaching into her womb and tearing her living baby out (or having a doctor do this). How this ``right to privacy`` implied in the Constitution overrides the unborn`s right to life, which is clearly enshrined in both the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, is beyond me. Well, it`s not beyond me; they pull this off by saying that a baby isn`t a baby until it comes forth from the womb and sucks air. Until that point it is merely a mass of tissue to be disposed of. (I know, they set up the trimester system, assigning more ``rights`` as the fetus reaches each stage. Still, the right to an abortion remained pretty much unfettered, and most ethicists and scientists agree that the trimester system was purely an arbitrary designation by the court.) This ruling likewise was a gross violation of the principles of Federalism. The Court ran roughshod over the States right to make and administer their own laws. The Court ran roughshod over historical precedent, and our Judeao-Christian heritage.

Infanticide was always considered a terrible moral evil. Hippocrates banned the practice of abortion. In the Gospels, the ``slaughter of the innocents``, the murder of all children under two years of age in Bethlehem, stands out as an act of terrible barbarity (although there couldn`t have been very many such children in Bethlehem at that time). The Romans, prior to the Christian era, condemned the Carthaginians for the practice. (Carthage sacrificed infants to their gods Baal Hammon and Tanit.) Womb ripping, as it was called, was perhaps the worst crime imaginable during the middle ages. In America, the Aztecs practiced this occasionally, and were so reviled for it (among other things) that Cortez could raise an immense army of subject peoples who would fight with him against Montezuma. A British military officer in China wrote about the ``revolting practice`` of Chinese killing their surplus infants; it was understood then that China was weak and corrupt because of her depraved disrespect for life. Clearly, history is not on the side of this practice.

Why are the feminists and radical leftists so determined to keep abortion completely unfettered? Look to Carthage. Abortion is a sacrament, a rite of blood for the Left. Every time a woman has an abortion she is performing the high ritual of the feminist black mass. I have always argued that Liberalism is a religion; It is a religion deifying man. (The Bible speaks of another creature who deified himself, and taught his fellows to deify themselves, which led to their banishment to Hell.) Feminism deifies women. How to worship, if you are a feminist? Join the church of the NOW, rally, and push for abortions. Feminism, in my view, is a modern variant of witchcraft, complete with a blood sacrifice. A woman or young girl is wedding herself to the cause of feminism when she aborts her own child; she has circumsized her heart, as it were. She will move into the feminist camp or will have to admit she did something dreadful. She may never be free of this act.

That the most enlightened and moral nation on Earth has tolerated this abomidable practice is beyond belief. Even Jane Roe has turned against the evil worked in her (pseudonym)name. We won`t be able to remove this evil from our midst until the Supreme Court changes. Fortunately, many of those who have championed abortion on the Court are nearing the grim reaper themselves, and may consider retiring. President Bush may be able make appointments which would tip the scales towards life. Now is not the time for a ``new tone``; the President must be prepared to fight tooth and nail to get pro-life Justices on the Court.

Every argument used by the advocates of abortion on demand have evaporated like the morning dew (Oh, Lucifer, Son of the morning!) Unwed motherhood no longer holds a great social stigma, medical science has reached a point where the birth of the baby doesn`t pose much of a risk for the mother, we have an enormous social safety net (both governmental and private)to help out, childless couples are desperate to adopt and love an unwanted child; many so desperate that they travel around the world and pay huge sums to adopt because no children are left alive here in the land of the free. There is no compelling reason to murder a child in the womb.

It`s time to end this evil.

Click on the title of this post to link to the Memorial for the Unborn web page.

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