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Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

The Half Baked Chickens

I found this link on the Bidinotto Blog (through Hog Haven)and thought the writer really nailed it; Europe has turned into Super Chicken (minus the super part).

The Twentieth Century was most unkind to Europe; the Great War decimated the Great Powers on the Continent, who fought themselves to utter exhaustion for the glory of their respective empires. The sense of Nationalism which had energized and animated the peoples of Europe during the Nineteenth Century gave way to an anomia, a sense of national futility. Socialism had been one of the dangerous cultural forces of the 1800`s, but had been beaten back by the successes of Britain and America, as well as the yeoman work of Otto Von Bismark in establishing the Second Reich around the nucleus of the Prussian Monarchy. Even the Russians had been able to stem the tide of socialism, despite the humiliation of the Russo-Japanese War. WWI changed all of that; the peoples of Europe lost their collective sense of national purpose as a result of the War, and the socialists had been waiting in the wings for just such an opportunity. Russia fell, first to Kerensky and the Soviet coalition, then to the Bolsheviks. Hindenberg saved Germany by proclaiming the Weimar Republic as the socialists marched to proclaim Germany a Soviet Socialist Republic (word has it he was sitting down to breakfast in his hotel room in Berlin when he heard a great commotion. He stuck his head out the window, ascertained the cause of the commotion, shouted to the crowd a proclamation of a new republic, then sat back down to his breakfast.) The French and British also began experimenting with liberal government.

This was all exacerbated by the Great Depression, which also gave us quasi-socialism via Franklin Roosevelt and the Nude Deal. In Germany crushing debt and forced war reparations (thank you Clemenceau and Woodrow Wilson) led to Adolph Hitler ascending to power (Hitler, I might add was a socialist-a National Socialist!) and no one in Europe had the stomach to fight the rising tide of radical socialism-either National or International. France crumbled with virtually no resistance to the Wehrmacht, and the British, realizing their folly by following such spineless losers as Neville Chamberlain, raised up a has-been hawk named Winston Churchill to lead them in what would be the greatest military struggle in all of history.

But as soon as the War was over, the Brits kicked Churchill out of office in favor of that socialist wimp Attlee, and Britain began it`s slow, agonizing decline from World Power to backwater. The French likewise enthusiastically promoted socialist type government (thank you Charles De Gaul), and Germany was, of course, partitioned. The great threat of the Soviet Union led to the creation of NATO, which was (let`s face it) an American Operation. The Europeans turned responsibility for their own defense to America.

This situation continued for 40 years. The Europeans have become incapable of defending themselves, or even of handling matters of great importance with any kind of courage or decisiveness. Socialism, the demise of their International Empires, decades of reliance on American military defense, and the establishment of the United Nations (which is clearly a mechanism for European diplomats to bloviate ad nauseum, which the Europeans have come to consider ``statecraft`` and ``strategy``) has allowed Europe to hide from the unpleasant realities of the post-modern world. They have not had to deal with these issues for so long (thanks to the United States) that they have become incapable of dealing with them; they confuse diplomacy games for real action on critical issues. In short, Old Europe has become Super Chicken. They have lost any strength or cultural worth they had, and think ankle-biting the United States gives them some sort of potentcy, or relevancy. They chaff at having to be protected and supported by their kid brother America, but they are unwilling to give up the socialist imposed ease and leisure which forces the matter. They are blind as bats!

Western Civilization has real enemies lurking in the shadows, evil people who seek our ruin and destruction. Old Europe has become so degenerate they are unable and unwilling to look reality in the face, and take a stand. In fact, they are angry with America and George Bush for forcing them to look behind the mirrors and see what is hiding in there. That is why so many in Europe hate the President; he has forced them to see themselves for what they have become, and this is intolerable. They want their life of 12 week vacations sipping wine on the Riviera back. The want no worries and fat bank accounts, and they don`t want to face that they could wind up with a smoking radioactive crater where Paris now stands. Furthermore, they want to hide the fact from themselves that they are largely responsible for the tiger we have by the tail; Ayatollah Khomeini was given sanctuary in Paris, which has also aided and abetted numerous other terrorists throughout the years, as well as most of Old Europe has been doing business with every cutthroat Sheik and Ayatollah for a profit at the expense of security around the world. They`re not going to blame themselves, so who to blame? Of course, it`s that shoot-em-up cowboy George Bush`s fault! If he would have just minded his own business and ignored the 911 attacks everything would have been fine! The Israelis have to put up with this kind of thing, so why shouldn`t the Americans! I once read a commentary comparing the U.S. to a spoiled valley girl who just broke a nail, and now everyone would pay!
That is how the Europeans choose to see us! Three thousand dead is like breaking a fingernail!

It`s good we have new friends; Eastern Europe had to fight their way to freedom, and their national characters are far closer to ours then our oldest ``friends`` in decadent Europe. New Europe has a spine, Old Europe has become half baked Chicken!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have a nice blog.
You write pretty well, spelling most things right, getting most of the punctuation right -- what a relief to see your efforts after seeing the miserable junk and garbage that make up most of these blogs.
I'm bookmarking this so I can come back. You have something worthwhile to say and you say it well.
Congratulations and thanks.
Michael Morrison

7:57 PM  
Blogger Timothy Birdnow said...

Thanks for visiting, and thanks for all of the kind words!

I was the beneficiary of a Jesuit education, and to get through a Jesuit school your writing skills HAVE to be decent. I didn`t see the importance of this back in high school, but now I am grateful that they forced me to learn how to write. There really is no excuse for the public education system to fail to teach proper use of the English language.

I really enjoyed your blog! Everyone should visit!

5:16 AM  
Blogger Timothy Birdnow said...

Thanks for visiting, and thanks for all of the kind words!

I was the beneficiary of a Jesuit education, and to get through a Jesuit school your writing skills HAVE to be decent. I didn`t see the importance of this back in high school, but now I am grateful that they forced me to learn how to write. There really is no excuse for the public education system to fail to teach proper use of the English language.

I really enjoyed your blog! Everyone should visit!

5:16 AM  
Blogger Timothy Birdnow said...

Thanks for visiting, and thanks for all of the kind words!

I was the beneficiary of a Jesuit education, and to get through a Jesuit school your writing skills HAVE to be decent. I didn`t see the importance of this back in high school, but now I am grateful that they forced me to learn how to write. There really is no excuse for the public education system to fail to teach proper use of the English language.

I really enjoyed your blog! Everyone should visit!

5:16 AM  
Blogger Aussiegirl said...

A very satisfying read, and a great capsule history of the last century and the rise of socialism and anomie in Old Europe. Nice to read the pat on the back to New Europe -- those countries that recently freed themselves from Soviet tyranny and still appreciate those values. I've been writing on my own blog that Ukraine would really do better to form an alliance with all the former East European countries as kind of a bulwark against both European stagnation and Eurocracy and post-Soviet imperialism on the part of Russia. I can see why they aspire to EU membership, they can't afford economically to be left out of the biggest trading zone in the world. But the insane and smothering rules that the EU will operate under are sure to become a burden eventually. I'm just hoping the whole experiment fails by the time they are ready to admit Ukraine. England is going to have to choose. And the ratification of the EU constitution increasingly is becoming less popular from what I'm reading. Perhaps sense is beginning to seep through.

7:04 PM  

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