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Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Monday, June 13, 2005

Syrian Dilemma

The incomparable Jed Babbin has a great piece in the American Spectator Online which dovetails nicely with my June 3 postof a My Way News story about Unmovic and Saddam`s WMD`s. Babbin argues that the weapons were moved to Syria during the United Nations debates, and he backs this up with the Duelfer report (which the media has repeatedly falsely claimed states that there were no weapons.)

President Bush`s ``can`t we all just get along`` strategy has backed him (and us)into a corner; the President was willing to concede the WMD issue because he wanted to take it away from the Democrats politically. (This is a reworking of the Newt Gingrich duck-and-cover strategy which cost the Republicans seats in the off-year elections in `98, I might add.) Now Syria has the weapons, and they have been the principle sanctuary for the ``insurgents`` in Iraq, but the President cannot act since he has lost his credibility over this. Let me state this unequivocally: WE CANNOT WIN IN IRAQ AS LONG AS THE ENEMY HAS SYRIA AS A SANCTUARY!!! They will be able to outwait us. People are already complaining about the War dragging on too long, and these complaints will grow louder. If we leave Iraq the new government will not be able to secure the country. The Media and the left may end up getting what they`ve wanted all along-a new Vietnam.

We know Syria is one of the terror masters (along with Iran). They must be dealt with-the sooner the better. It`s time to get on with the War.



Blogger Aussiegirl said...

Absolutely right, Tim. And thanks for reminding us about the "duck and cover" routine. That's precisely what's happened. I was baffled as to why the president was so quick to cede ground to the "no WMD" propaganda. Why did we agree that that was the case? He hasn't gained by it, instead the democrats pound him with it at every turn, and now we have a Republican Congressman parroting the same line and demanding a timetable for withdrawal.
I know all the military guys on all the blogs screamed and yelled at me (a mere female - and admittedly no military expert) when I expressed fears at the very outset of the war that the military part moved too fast, that the army was allowed to disperse and go home, and that they didn't bomb the hell out of them before going in. Then they completey botched the initial stages of the occupation, not even wanting to call it an occupation. Now it seems that there are some within the administration willing to give in to the "legend" that has been created by the media firestorm over the "abuses" at Abu Graib and Gitmo to suggest that they might just close Gitmo to shut down the negative publicity. Don't they understand that the media will simply find something else to criticize? Meanwhile as you say, as long as we do nothing to address the real problem, we are in danger of losing this whole thing. Winning the war - and losing the peace. It reminds us of the prohibition of bombing North Vietnam and Cambodia during the Vietnam war. The administration's approach to dealing with negative publicity seems to be to simply acquiesce rather than wage a forceful counter-propaganda campaign of their own. Oy.

9:14 AM  

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