
A conservative news and views blog.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Saturday, July 30, 2005

The Power of the Dark Side

Senator Bill Frist has gone over to the Dark Side; he has changed his position on Fetal Stem-Cell research, now giving his blessing to conducting Dr. Mengele type experiments on frozen fertilized embryos (tiny babies). If Dr. Frist thinks this will help him in a Presidential bid, he is sadly mistaken. This transmogrification may work with the Democrats, but Frist`s base of support is in the pro-Life community, and this is guaranteed to sink him with most conservatives. Even pro-abortion conservatives can`t cast a blind eye to such duplicity; how can Frist be trusted not to change his views on other issues? It`s very hard to heal a breech of trust.

Further, given the advances with Adult stem-cells, this is totally unnecessary, and Dr. Frist has to know that! The only benefit to be derived from Fetal Stem-Cell research is the further erosion of respect for Human Life. THAT is why the left has pushed for this so furiously; they need to maintain their power over life and death. This is another version of the blood-sacrifice, the sacrament which binds them together. Dr. Frist should know this! Why is he joining with the forces of death?

Cardinal William Keeler, chairman of the U.S. Bishops Committee for Pro-Life Activities, had this to say about Frists Journey to the Dark Side:

"Today Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist announced he will support using federal funds to encourage the destruction of living human embryos for their stem cells. Despite the Senator's disclaimers to the contrary, this position is not 'pro-life.'
"Especially disturbing is the Senator's insistence that human embryos unwanted by their own parents are owed 'the same dignity and respect' as children and adults, but may nevertheless be killed for research material.

"Such destruction of innocent human life, even out of a desire to help others, rests on a utilitarian view that undermines human dignity and human respect, as Senator Sam Brownback ably pointed out today in his response.

"Senator Frist's effort to make an analogy with organ transplants also fails, because it would be gravely immoral as well as illegal to harvest any patient's vital organs when he or she is still alive.

"Despite his warning against offering 'false hope' to patients, Senator Frist also repeated claims that are untrue or misleading about the unique 'promise' of embryonic stem cells. No one has identified any disease that can be treated only with these cells; no one even knows whether they will ever provide a safe and reliable treatment for the conditions already being successfully treated using adult stem cells.

"These factual issues will no doubt be explored by others. My own central concern is that neither sound ethics nor good government can rest on the principle that 'the end justifies the means.' I commend President Bush for his laudable pledge to veto such legislation."



Blogger Michael Morrison said...

Whatever value there might be to stem cell research -- and there appears to be plenty -- it is still NOT a prerogative of the federal government.
Bill Frist, soon, praise the gods, to be ex-Senator Frist, is welcome to donate any or all of his own funds to stem cell research or to his own presidential campaign coffers, but he is NOT free to donate the money extorted from the working and producing people for his pet project.
A Libertarian Party presidential candidate -- and I think it was Andre Marrou in 1992 -- said if the feds pay for research, they'll get research, lots and lots of research.
But wouldn't it be better to pay for results?
Although it is STILL NOT in the federal jurisdiction.

7:55 AM  

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