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Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Tears for Terrorists

Just more proof that the U.N. is dangerously ignorant and useless.

The U.N. is demanding that Britain not deport any Jihadists if there is a danger they may be tortured or mistreated back home. (What, I wonder, would the U.N. consider torture? Maybe a Pauly Shore movie marathon?)

I find it hard to worry about the fate of someone who is calling for the blood of innocent people. Why, pray tell, are these deportees going to be facing torture or mistreatment if they are deported? Generally because they are wanted criminals in their homelands. If they are afraid of going home, perhaps they should stop calling for the destruction of their host country.

Maybe we can house these at-risk terrorists in the United Nations building! They can`t be any worse than the gang of cut-throats, rapists, and embezzlers who now occupy those hallowed halls.

If the U.N. is so concerned about this, why don`t they get on board with the President and work on providing a solution, rather than continuing to perpetuate the problem?



Blogger Always On Watch said...

You wrote, "Maybe we can house these at-risk terrorists in the United Nations building! They can`t be any worse than the gang of cut-throats, rapists, and embezzlers who now occupy those hallowed halls."

The U.N. is useless anyway. We see that fact again with all the dancing around with Iran. We're going to get burned if Iran is up what I think may be going on. Iran is eager to launch nukes, to prove that their sect is correct about Allah.

4:00 PM  

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