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Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Monday, April 03, 2006

Will the Last One Out of Russia Please Turn Off the Lights

I deal with the population decline of Russia in a new article at the American Thinker.

During the late `80`s I was taking a course in Russian reading, and we had to translate speeches and writings of the geriatric leaders of the glorious Soviet experiment. One particular speech to the Politbureau by ``old forhead stain``-Mikhail Gorbachev-dealt with the decline of the Soviet Union, and Gorby warned America of the dangers of allowing the Evil Empire to collapse. His point was that the U.S.S.R. was a nation full of the most awful weapons devised by man, and that if it were allowed to collapse these weapons would scatter to the four winds. (Of course, allowing the U.S.S.R. to have posession of these weapons wasn`t much better...) Gorby could see that his system was dying.

Independent Russia has tried to maintain control of this arsenal of doom with mixed results. (In fact, Russia has modernized her arsenal.) Unfortunately, Russia is shrinking faster than a bottle of Scotch at a Kennedy family reunion, and the immanent demise of that nation and people bodes ill for future world peace. Russia appears doomed, and her enemies may soon feast upon the carcass.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

No need to,there are to be very many other people.
Maybe orthodox "cerkve" will need that service.Country I doubt.All around are already people waiting to replace Russians.

4:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tim, Very good article in the American Thinker. Solzhenitsyn had mention this population decline about 20-25 years ago, and blamed it on wasteful Communist policies that were horribly dehumanizing.

However, there are other things afoot in Russia that are more positive. There is a growing interest in Christianity there and the first thing the Russians did after the fall of Communism was to restore their devastated churches. Many young Russians are interested in their religious heritage and in some case have led their atheist parents to convert to Christianity.

The thing is to encourage this trend whenever possible. I would hate to see Russia fall into the dustbin of history. Before Bolshevism, Russian culture was incredibly rich.

8:41 AM  
Blogger Timothy Birdnow said...

Hi anonymous!

Yep; there are indeed many people waiting to replace the Russians. Can`t say I blame `em.

Hi Scribe!

Thanks for the Kudos!

There have been Russians who have predicted what has been happening for a long time. Communism was, and is, a terrible human tragedy.

You`re right; there are some positive developements in Russia-the economic boom, the renewal of Christianity, better pre-natal care reducing abortions and bringing more babies to term. Still, it`s going to be an uphill battle for Russia and Europe.

We can`t afford to let Russia just die (tempting though it may be to many), and it WOULD be a pity to see Her culture disappear. Russia needs to be transformed. She needs the rule of law, a free and non-aggressive culture. The Golden Horde is gone, for crying out loud! It`s time for their influence to wane. (Bolshevism was oriental despotism in a bright red cloak.)

4:40 PM  

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