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Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Unnatural Abortion

Hunter Baker posts a thought-provoking quote from Francis Canavan on the intellectual confusion of the status of an unborn child. It`s easy to split legal hairs over abortion and lose sight of the fact that an unborn child is in his/her natural state (the womb).

I make the point that, here in Missouri, it takes three months to evict a non-paying tenant from rental property, and it can take six months to execute an unlawful detainer on a tenant who continues to pay. A woman can evict her unborn child at any time, on the other hand, and can do so in a manner most violent. (Were I to try to forcibly evict one of our tenants, I would go to jail).

Furthermore, the child is there through no fault of her own, but is imprisoned as a direct result of the actions of the mother. The injured party is the child, not the mother. The child has no choice but to wait to come to term. The mother HAD EVERY CHOICE, but chose to behave irresponsibly. The aggrieved party is clearly the child.

Strange, how the normal legal processes are turned upside-down to grant the mother the right to murder.

Even stranger, many of the same people who fight tooth-and-nail (or claw) for the women`s ``right to choose`` are strong supporters of ``animal rights``.(A woman has a right to choose; she knows full well what her actions may result in. Her choice lies before she allows herself to become pregnant!) Spain, for example, recently declared simians to have legally enforceable rights, yet the Spanish made abortion legal in 1991, and many of those currently serving in government have promoted abortion. Does anyone else see this as ridiculous, or am I alone in that view? We`re willing to give rights to animals but deny them to unborn children!

Abortion is as unnatural an act as any conceived in the mind of Man. It punishes the innocent for the guilt of another, it violates the most innocent of society in what should be the safest place that they will ever reside. It turns people whose profession is saving lives into killers. (Ever read the Hippocratic Oath? It specifically says that physicians may not perform abortions, or give instruments of abortion to others.) It substitutes the right not to be inconvenienced for the right to life.

Western Civilization is dying as a result of abortions, as any who have read my recent AT articles are aware. Russia, Europe, and America have shrinking or static populations, and those who do not rip their children from their wombs are poised to replace us. It reminds me of this quote:

Do not defile yourselves in any of these ways, because this is how the nations that I am going to drive out before you became defiled. 25 Even the land was defiled; so I punished it for its sin, and the land vomited out its inhabitants.

(Lev 18.24-25)

Because of abortion, the land is in the process of vomiting out its inhabitants, and replacing them with those who do not practice blood sacrifice.

But one needn`t be religious, or even believe in God, to see that our embrace of abortion has had unforseen, and terribly destructive, consequences. These consequences are destructive to the mother, to society, and, of course, to the child. I argued previously against a rape/incest exemption, and I stand by my view. The rapist/incesteur succeeds in raping again, and the mother knows for the rest of her days that she KILLED her child. One foul deed does not redeem another foul deed.

Of course, the Deathheads have always sought the godhead, and the abortion argument has never been about what is right or natural, but about the exercise of power. Those on the Left who have created the culture of death seek the divinity of Shiva, since the power of Brahma is denied them. Abortion is a high Sacrament to those who seek this power. Abortion is about the Deification of Man. God creates Life; Man can take it.

Beware what you wish for; with the powers of divinity one cannot afford to make mistakes.



Blogger Brooke said...

Very eloquent!

The right to choose clearly comes before the pregnacy occurs!

5:53 PM  
Blogger TJW said...

"Does anyone else see this as ridiculous, or am I alone in that view? We`re willing to give rights to animals but deny them to unborn children!"

No Tim you are far from alone on this!

Those same softheaded folks who call abortion a "choice" cannot bring themselves to execute the most vile and deserving criminals our society produces because it is some how too cruel?

My brain just can't make that kind of illogic work.

1:35 AM  

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