
A conservative news and views blog.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Milquetoast Party and Enemy Money

I have been arguing that the Rockefeller/Rino wing of the Republican Party has made a quiet comeback, and that they (with the help of George W. Bush-unwittingly or otherwise) have been spreading money around to help like-minded members of the upper crust take their rightful place in the halls of power. Now it appears the NEA has been helping the Empire Strike Back, with 12% of it`s PAC money going to liberal Republican candidates-and with amazing results!

Conservatives believed that they had won this battle for control of the Republicans. What they didn`t understand was that the RINO wing had ruled the Party for a Century (and were directly responsible for their own permanent minority status) and, though out of power, still had the money and means to reassert themselves. This bunch always hated Ronald Reagan and the uncouth slobs he brought with him-that`s you and me-and plotted their return. Mr. Bush helped break the power of the conservatives in the Party, and the RINO`s are now rampaging! This NEA money is just more proof that we have lost control of this party.

There won`t be a Republican comeback without a Conservative one, and we are going to have to fight to take the party back. Republicans lost this election cycle not because they were too conservative, but because they returned to their old Gerald Ford habits; they appeared to America as milquetoast, knock-kneed political hacks who were more interested in staying in power than in leading. This is the hallmark of the moderate, and this will continue unless the battle for the soul of the Republicans is engaged by conservatives and won.

Essentially, Conservatives have three enemies; Democrats, the Media, and the RINO`s. In some ways, the RINO`s may be the most dangerous, because they have actively worked against us from inside. Democrats would collapse of their own weight if their antics would be made known (which is why the media is also a vital business, and Conservatives have simply defaulted control of the MSM for some inexplicable reason.) If we want to win on a national level we must consolidate control of the Party of Reagan. This is a battle we must win first.



Blogger Always On Watch said...

There won`t be a Republican comeback without a Conservative one...

I agree. But this battle is going to be tough. The RINO's hold all the advantage at the moment.

GWB's "compassionate conservatism" was a ruse and was bought into way too much.

3:34 PM  

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