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Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

More U.N. Idiocy

The incoming Secretary General of the United Nations-Ban Key Moon-has issued a statement claiming that small, poor countries will suffer the most from Global Warming. He`s right, but not in the way he thinks.

The real danger to these nations lies not in changing weather patterns, but in global economics; if the world adopts the draconian policies the Gang Green advocates, the international market will slow down drastically. We`ll have tight credit, less trade, probably a return of inflation. All of these will conspire to squeeze the poorest nations, and a return to starvation conditions is inevitable. (Where have we seen famine in the last 20 years that had nothing to do with war?) We don`t have famines anymore, because technology has made agriculture more productive, and world commerce has seen to it that cheap food is available around the globe. A drastic cutback in industry means less for everyone-and those at the bottom of the economic ladder will find themselves between the devil and the deep blue Moon. Even if Global Warming is true, and we have some desertification, we will also have a boon in places which have traditionally been too cold for intensive agriculture; Canada`s Northwest and Yukon territories, for example. Since much of the northern hemisphere`s landmass is in this unproductive region, it could be a boon to Mankind if the green belt crept north.

It has been proven that Kyoto would accomplish very little besides wrecking the world economy, so we may as well eat, drink, and be merry. Feeding the poor is more important than the lilliputian return we would see from restricting industrial growth. THAT is guaranteed to cause suffering and starvation! We don`t know what GW will do, and we don`t have any reason to believe we are at fault for the minor warming we have witnessed, anyway. This is a game of covetous politics, the purpose being to reorder the world political landscape.

In other U.N. news, a commission has issued a report bemoaning violence against women in Algeria. There is violence against women in Syria, Libya, Iran, Jordan, Egypt, and any other predominantly Moslem country, but we are shocked that Algeria suffers from this problem! The United States has done more to eliminate violence against women in Afghanistan and Iraq than any thousand U.N. reports, but our faithful friends at Turtle Bay continue to trash us and offer no support for our efforts. If they are truly concerned with this problem worldwide, they would get on board with our efforts.

If Global Warming is true, I ernestly hope the U.N. buiilding is the first taken when sea levels rise!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

These are parts of a story I read on Pakistan at Faith Freedom International
"a 16-year old girl, Nasima, was grabbed by a group of 11 men, taken away and gang-raped and then forced to walk back to her home, through the village streets, in a state of semi-nudity."
On January 28, a woman of Donga Bonga, Ellahi Hussain, was accused by her family of having an affair with a man, Hafeez Shah, from the same village. Her murder was planned by her relatives. The man and woman were dragged out of a house by a gang bent on vengeance, ropes were bound around their necks and they were tied to a couple of trees. They were stoned to death by a bloodthirsty mob which "smashed their heads with stones and bricks."
Yesterday, Dawn carried a story datelined Gujranwala, February 2, relating how "students torture to death bus checker." A bus on its way from Lahore to Gujrat was halted when the GT road was blocked by students (of what?). They "forcibly boarded the bus" and when the ticket cheeker asked them for their tickets they beat him to death. Charming.
A far more gory tale was also carried yesterday by another daily publication under the headline a "28-year old was castrated with a broken tea cup." Huzoor Baksh Malik of Larkana who was about to be married – he "was awarded a girl by a jirga in compensation for his mother's murder ten years ago." That in itself is grossly wrong. On January 21, his employer, one Tonio, accused him of theft and he was handed over to the police and locked up. On January 24 Tonio and some friends arrived at the police station, asked Malik to admit to his crime, and when he refused they "castrated him with a broken tea cup."
The UN and we all better wake up and read what is happening in Islamic nations and start putting the screws to them to change their barbaric ways.

11:26 AM  

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