
A conservative news and views blog.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Bilingualism Battle Brewing

Always on Watch reports that a battle is brewing between the State of Virginia and the Federales over scholastic testing of immigrants. The No Child Left Behind program demands that immigrant children be tested for mastery of their grade level, and Virginia claims they cannot do that since the children have not mastered English. The Feds are threatening to cut off the millions of dollars Virginia receives through NCLB.

Just a couple of thoughts:

1.Education is a state and local issue, and the intrusion of the central government is a violation of Federalism. We may as well stop calling them States if we are going to treat them as Provinces.

2.Of course Federal money has strings attached; did Virginians believe otherwise?

3.If George Bush is such a radical Conservative as the Moron.ogr people claim, why was this HIS program?

4. Once again, we see the folly of bilingualism; Virginia won`t test these children because they cannot pass, they cannot pass because they haven`t been made to learn English.

5. How many are illegals? Why is this such a large issue in Virginia? Virginia is hardly a border state.

The courts are ultimately going to decide this. This bears watching, since it will set a precedent for bilingualism and the future of the United States.

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