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Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Opening the Djihn Bottle

Freedom of speech is increasingly under attack by the forces of Liberalism, and the situation is becoming increasingly dangerous as new speech codes are being adopted to stifle dissent from liberal orthodoxy. For example, Brazil is considering banning ``homophobia`` which may mean that priests can no longer tell people that homosexuality is a sin:

Brazilian Priests Could Face Jail-time for Saying that Homosexuality is A Sin
If new legislation passes, even seminaries would not be allowed to disqualify active homosexuals

By Meg Jalsevac

BRAZIL, March 19, 2007 (

Brazil’s Senate is currently engaged in a debate over proposed legislation that would criminalize anything deemed a condemnation of homosexuality. The new legislation, labeled the ‘homophobia law’ would demand jail time for violations of the law and would not provide for any religious exception.

The proposed legislation has already passed through the House and was debated last Thursday in the Senate. The Senate members refused to vote on the matter, in part due to the number of civilians who contacted government officials to voice their concerns about the proposed law. Instead, a study group was established to further investigate and acquire professional input on the issue.

The legislation includes wording that would prevent any type of supposed discrimination due to sexual orientation. According to ZENIT, priests who preached against homosexuality could face 3 to 5 years in jail and seminaries would not be permitted to reject applicants based on their sexual orientation.

Some have condemned the proposed law saying that it is religious discrimination. A ZENIT source said, ``In addition to the rights established in the constitution for all people, the homosexual, by the simple fact of being homosexual, would gain privileges.``

Exodus Brazil, the Brazilian branch of the international ex-homosexual ministry, has expressed grave concern about the law saying, ``It will extinguish ex-gay ministry in Brazil for all practical purposes.``

Brazil has been a recent leader in pushing for gay rights and trumping traditional family values. In 2005, Brazil legalized homosexual adoption. As previously reported by, Brazilian ambassadors have been the driving force behind a 2006 proposal to the Organization of American States to designate sexual orientation an ``inalienable right`` with full human-rights protection.

Liberals are quick to demand free speech when it engenders hatred for Christianity or Judaism, or facilitates in the destruction of traditional beliefs or views, but are very quick to stifle any dissent from their own agenda. We are told that tossing condoms at the Pope, or desecrating a church with shouting members of ACTUP, or putting elephant dung on a picture of the Blessed Virgin is a matter of free speech, but a priest should be forbidden to try to save souls because it is somehow ``hateful``. I`m sorry, but trying to save someone`s immortal soul by warning them that their behavior will lead to their destruction is a far cry from hateful, and to use the force of law to silence those who wish to perpetrate this act of kindness is the real hatred. It`s not enough for liberals to damn themselves, they have to drag others down with them; they are the true bigots.

If Brazil does this thing, they will have made Christianity illegal for all intents and purposes. Christianity is based on a code of morals, and a nation which exiles those morals exiles the Faith in general. That is, of course, the purpose intended by those stalwarts of freedom on the Left.

But Man does not live by bread alone, and there will be terrible consequences for such an act down the road. The crazed post-modernists keep tugging threads from the tapestry of our culture, all the while thinking they can build something better. The problem is that they have nothing to offer that is better, and the spiritual vacuum they are creating will be filled by something terrible-Islamic despotism, Fascism, Marxism, whatever; any way it works out, the beast lurking in the wings will be unrestrained because the chains which held Mankind`s collective demons imprisoned will have been removed. We`ve witnessed this time after time, yet the lunatic left keeps repeating the same pattern. We have savagery and bestiality barely below the surface of our humanity, and it does not take much to bring forth the monster. That monster has been controlled by morality, by honor, by religion-all things hated by the iconoclastic left, who are very good at destroying such things babysmallylly bad at providing any real alternatives. They always seem surprised when their little social experiments turn into titanic evils.

This is just one more attempt to deconstruct social architecture which has been put in place for an important reason. If you take too many bricks from your foundation, it should come as no surprise that your structure falls.

How many bricks have been removed from the foundation of Western Civilization? How long before the fall?

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