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Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Thursday, May 04, 2006

A Republican Fall this Fall?

The Republican Party is in real trouble this election cycle, yet they seem completely oblivious to WHY they are in such hot water.

According to the Evans-Novak Report:

RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman met with Republican members of Congress this week to impress upon them just how bad the opinion polls are looking for them, and warning that they face a possible catastrophe in November.

1) This warning contributed to GOP determination to pass a tax reconciliation bill that will extend the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts beyond their current expiration dates at the end of the decade.

This illustrates how clueless the Republicans have become; the tax cuts should long ago have been made permanent! The fact that they`re just now doing this makes it obvious that their commitment to tax relief is skin deep.

Furthermore, they are ignoring the issues which have angered their base-issues like immigration (over which our tone-deaf President is still stumbling in the dark), profligate spending, and titanic gasoline prices.

The gas issue is particularly disturbing; Republicans tripped over each-other to sound like Democrats on the issue, proposing that ridiculous and insulting $100 rebate. For the first time, Democrats had a substantive proposal-offering to eliminate taxes for the summer driving season! A principled party in power would have immediately jumped on the bandwagon, offering an even longer tax break in order to take credit for the idea and forcing the Democrats to do something they can`t bring themselves to do (actually vote for such a proposal). The sad fact is, the Republicans were more afraid of the Democrats getting political credit for the idea than they were of the actual problem. They have turned into Democrats.

For example, the President and Congress are giving us the following Jimmy Carteresque proposals:

1) The first was President Bush's remarkable, yet largely unmarked, endorsement of increased corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards. This battle has been fought on every incarnation of the energy bill since Bush was elected. This is a clear reversal on Bush's part. Democrats have repeatedly pushed for the CAFE mandate, while Republicans have pushed against it. CAFE mandates would require automakers to lower their average fuel economy. This would likely have small environmental benefits, but it would also likely increase the cost of all cars. It is strongly opposed by automakers and autoworkers.

2) The second development is the proposal of America's first economically viable off-shore windmill farm. The wealthy oceanfront residents of Cape Cod, who would have their view of Nantucket Sound slightly obstructed by the wind farm, have hired high-priced lobbyists to kill the project, called Cape Wind. Top-drawer lobbyist Guy R. Martin of the Perkins Coie law firm in Washington is registered as representing the Alliance to Protect Nantucket sound. Former Congressmen—Republican Tom Loeffler of Texas and Democrat Billy Lee Evans of Georgia—have lobbied against the wind farm.

3) Supporters of the offshore grid of 130 wind turbines, standing 400 feet above the water, say it would supply three-quarters of the energy needs of Cape Cod, Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard. By replacing use of oil, they say, it would sharply reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

So now were talking CAFE standards and windmills! Is it 1978 again? Do the Republicans really believe that the failures of the Carter Administration will lead them to victory? These guys have completely flipped their lids. They have shown the Nation that they are driven solely by their political fortunes, and not by any positive agenda for America. They have morphed into the party they replaced.

This becomes obvious when one considers their plan for victory in November:

4) Republicans will focus in their campaign on the danger of electing Democrats to a majority in Congress. Their catch-word is "dangerous," a word taken from an ill-considered appearance by Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) on the Senate floor next to a sign (color-coded to match her outfit) stating "Dangerously Incompetent" in large letters. The Stabenow appearance was meant to highlight the administration's incompetence.

Now where have I heard this approach taken? Oh yes, I remember; it was the John Kerry campaign of 2004, or the Democratic midterm campaign of `02, or the Al Gore campaign of `00. It is the campaign of no ideas, the campaign of negativism and bankruptcy. It has been a continual loser for the Democrats, and now the Republicans want to co-opt their approach. (why not? They`ve been acting like Democrats for years now!)

America had 60 years of Democratic control of government (with a few years of exception-particularly the 1980`s). Voting for Democrats is natural for many Americans; Republicans have always had to overcome this tendency by the people. They accomplished this by offering a strong vision for the Republic, by honoring their word, by having a positive, upbeat agenda. They have offered a fresh alternative to the spin-cycle of tax, spend, attack, repeat offered by their opponents. If Republicans want to offer ``Democrat Lite`` they will be thrashed, because there is no sound reason to vote for a rookie when you can have an all-star. If your choice is between Democrats, why bother with the neo? Many, many voters were raised as Democrats but changed because they wanted to vote for something better, something substantial. Why insult your father and family by voting Republican, if they have nothing better to offer than ``because Democrats are bad``? Voters will return to their roots.

I suggest a four point plan for the Republicans:

1.Suspend gasoline taxes until November (or beyond). Stop talking about alternative fuels, and CAFE standards.
2.Pass strict border control measures-build that fence! Do not enact any guest-worker program.
3.Make the tax-cuts permanent, and review many of their pork projects (such as the highway bill) and rescind them.
4.Stop fiddling with the United Nations, and present a serious plan for the War-including what to do about Iran. The ``winning hearts and minds`` business does not work, and disgusts most Americans who see Iraq becoming another Vietnam. Most Americans are not Cindy Sheehan. President Bush won re-election because he was strong after the 911 attacks and presented a clear vision (right or wrong) on what must be done. Going into Iraq only offended those who would not vote for him anyway-at first. Republicans need to quit talking about timetables for withdrawal, but should start talking about how we are going to win. They have been listening to the media too much, and think Americans want to cut and run; many people DO if all we are going to do is hang around waiting to be killed. People want action, not talk. America will win if we act, if we maintain the high ground, and the People know that.

The Republicans have been too willing to react to news cycles, and have continually failed to take the initiative. When you control Congress and the Presidency, you have the power to control what is discussed in the public forum. You have a bully pulpit. Republicans have always been in a position to set the agenda, but they have been to timid. Unless they wake up to this fact, they will pay the price at the ballot box.

I fear the Republicans are going to learn the hard way.



Blogger Michael Morrison said...

Sure is funny, big-government Demoncrats offering a tax cut, especially when they opposed it before, and especially when they usually oppose tax cuts and support tax increases.
But, if you haven't looked at your calendar lately, it's an election year.
Just as funny: Republicans don't seem to have noticed.

7:45 AM  
Blogger Brooke said...

It's all about the elections!

The Repubicans are the Democrats, the Democrats are socialists...

I'm getting to the point that I'd like to throw them all out!

9:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aussiegirl said:

Excellent article, Tim! You have even been too kind to these Republicrats! They have had 8 years in power and all the do is spend, spend, spend. Bush, unfortunately, is not a conservative, and never has been. He really is morphing into Jimmy Carter -- I'm waiting for him to get out the cardigan sweater and turn down the thermostat in the White House. And yes -- their reasons for voting for them is -- we aren't Democrats -- and if you think things are bad now you should see how bad things will get if the Democrats get in. There really isn't anybody left who believes these bozos anymore. Bush is a globalist one-worlder -- and believes in fighting a kinder, gentler war on terror - er -- dialogue with the religion of peace. It just infuriates me to think of how many beautiful men we are losing every day and every month, while our weasel leaders (including a lot of the military) tie their hands behind their backs and make them into batallions of social workers rather than warriors. And if they dare to defend themselves in battle, they are prosecuted for murder. Bring them home if you are not going to fight a proper war -- a war that recognizes you have to KILL the enemy -- and not only that -- you have to admit that you even HAVE and enemy. It sickens me. They all sicken me. What we need is someone who can represent the people again -- these elites are completely out of touch.

6:56 AM  

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