
A conservative news and views blog.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Monday, November 06, 2006

Latin American Corruption

Mike at the Return of Scipio has some thoughts on Latin America:

I have lived, loved, traveled and worked among them for 14 years. My summation of the governing competence of Latin Americans is as follows:

Corruption is as common as the sun. The State exists to serve the whims of an elite whose visions seldom extend beyond pelt and pelf. Constitutions are scarcely worth paying attention to—and few do. Law is just another commodity, like soap or automobiles—the more money one has the more law one can purchase. Taxation is arbitrary and confiscatory. Government regulations are multitudinous and Byzantine. Poverty is rife and obvious. The police rely upon avarice and bribery. Militaries are used to control the citizenry. Ignorance and illiteracy are manifest. The ‘presidents’ south of the Rio Grande resemble bit players in an opera bouffe.

Mob politics is the usual style of governance. Statist socialism is the usual style of economics. Mendacious propaganda is the usual style of politicians. Riots are the usual style of protests.

In short, Latin America is as it has always been. One unarguable fact of the universe is that Latin Americans have no demonstrated talent for running economies or governments. The political culture of Latin American would never allow any man with such talents to assume power. Pick up any history book about Latin America and you will see what I mean.

This is a great post which helps explain the problems in Latin America, and warns us to not be too enthused by the masses of immigrants pouring into this country.

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