
A conservative news and views blog.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Monday, November 20, 2006

To Catch a Rapist and His Benefactors

Protesters at the ``Hope Clinic``,an abortion mill here in St. Louis, provided police in Arkansas with photographic evidence to to bust a pedophile who had taken the 14 year old victim to the Granite City (an Illinois suburb) for a forced abortion.

Police in Bryant, Arkansas, contacted the protestors after responding to a domestic disturbance call. There a 14 year old girl claimed to have been repeatedly molested by Jefferey Cheshier (41) and that she had been taken to a St. Louis area abortion clinic. Detective Jimmy Long decided to take a long-shot and contacted protesters Daniel and Angela Michael, who had not spoken to the perpetrator or victim as they went into the clinic but who had taken photographs.

The Michael`s have been on watch at the Hopeless Clinic for years, and their dilligence has paid off-this time. But one wonders how many others have slipped by because of the animus against those who protest the purveyors of death? The police should start going through their files to find other such cases-but they probably won`t.

The abortion industry is extremely lucrative, and the industry supports numerous morality-crushing policies ultimately intended to expand their customer base. How dilligent are they in acertaining the situation when a 41 year old man brings a 14 year old girl in for ``treatment``? Without intervention, this girl will probably be a repeat customer, as will the children she fails to abort when they reach a reproductive age. From a cutthroat business standpoint, these clinics have every reason NOT to turn in pedophiles because they generate repeat business.

Ridiculous you say? Why? A company which is willing to reach inside a young girl`s womb, slice up her unborn baby and toss it in an incinerator will hardly shrink at other unpleasantries. We are eternally being told by the Left how evil corporations are doping us with nicotine, killing us with CO2 emissions, fouling the air and water, poisoning us with genetically altered food, etc. They demonize Big Tobacco, Exxon-Mobile, Enron, Halliburton, etc. What exempts Big Abortion? They are in business to kill, whereas these other companies which the Left so reviles are in business to make money off of live customers, and would go bankrupt if they were to kill of their market. The abortion industry has more reason to behave unethically than most.

Abortion is the High Sacrament of the Left; it is the co-equality of Creation (to them) and elevates Humanity onto a par with God. (Did not Lucifer think this way also?) Man may not be able to create life, but control of death grants him a sort of twisted godhead-at least in the minds of liberals. That is why abortion is so important, why no restrictions must be placed on it; abortion is an opening wedge to control of this power. Euthenasia is, of course, the next step, once the abortion battle is won, and by won I mean established as a given in the minds of the public. This is a battle for the soul of America. This is why embryonic stem-cell research is so important to the Left-despite a poor record of progress. It facilitates the acceptance of abortion, which facilitates the acceptance of the Culture of Death, the rule of Man the Wise as his own god.

Of course, the abortion clinics are about making money, as well as advancing a Humanistic worldview. Undoubtedly many employed in the industry are ``idealists`` striving for a better world, with a twisted view of what a better world entails, but many are out for fast profit. There is nothing inherently wrong with seeking to profit (as the liberals would claim) but there IS something wrong with profiting from an evil endeavor; arms smuggling to terrorists, for example, is inherently evil though profitable. Abortion surely falls into the same category.

But not today, at least not for this particular pedophile; there will be no repeat business from him!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The anti-God types in power in the Democrat Party will never give up abortion. It is both their sacrament and sacrifice all in one, an unholy offering to their cut-rate god, the Prince of the Air.

Those who vote Democrat might think they are voting their conscience or for health care or what-not, but what they really vote for is to shove a pair of scissors into a baby's skull. There is no way out of this logical terror.

You have written yet another spot-on essay.

5:22 PM  

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