
A conservative news and views blog.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

A Choice Between God or the Democrats

Finally, somebody had the guts to say it! A Catholic Bishop in Oregon has condemned Chancy Nancy Pelosi (the San Francisco Bleat) for her pro-abortion stand.

Bishop Robert Vasa has come out against Chancy, pointing out that abortion (unlike the death penalty or some other issues liberals lump together to muddy the waters) is a matter of Faith and Morals, and as such is non-negotiable. You cannot be Catholic and pro-abortion.

This brings up the whole business of ex-Communication. It is believed by many that to be ex-Communicated one must be formally impeached from Catholicism. Not true! Any grave sin means that the sinner is de-facto excommunicated; not supposed to take Communion. Abortion is murder according to the Church, and advocating any mortal sin is the same as committing the act yourself. As a murder-advocate, the Bleat is ex-Communicated despite the fact that everyone has been (until now) too polite to mention it to her.

This has been a grave failure of the Catholic Church; modern nonjudgementalism has crept into the fabric of the Novus Ordo Catholicism, with the results being that nobody wants to call overt sinners out. This is not a kindness, if you believe in the doctrine of the Faith, because those people are skipping along merrily to eternal damnation, and are bringing, through their bad example, others with them. The principle reason to have a church is to save souls from Hell, not sell raffle tickets, hold parish picnics, and extoll parishoners to donate money for charitable works. Charity is important, but the salvation of souls is more so; charity temporarily relieves a temporary physical need, while a damned soul will spend all of eternity in agony. The post-Vatican II (Novus Ordo) Church has failed miserably in upholding the standards needed to guide souls away from Hell.

That is why it`s good to see Bishop Vasa take this stand; somebody has to reassert the traditional role of the Church. We need more such Men of Faith, people who aren`t afraid of offending the worldly and Godless. Chancy Nancy and all of her bretheren-John Kerry, Teddy Kennedy, etc. have to decide either for God or for the Democrat Party. If their faith in the Party is greater than their love of God, they should make the break and be done with it. What they have no right to do is dwell as wolves among sheep, pretending to be good Catholics when they are, in reality, exCommunicated, unable to participate in the Sacraments. Taking Communion while in such a greivous state is a whole new sin.

It is quite clear that priests who fail to uphold their duties, fail to seek first the salvation of souls will be held to strict account in the hereafter. There are going to be many, many such at the Day of Judgement given the cowardly path chosen by too many clerics.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Tim: You have this annoying habit of describing things as they actually are. “You cannot be Catholic and pro-abortion.” Perfect. And exactly right. I have lost count of the number of ‘Catholics’ who say stupid things like, “Oh, I am Catholic and go to Mass and take Communion, but I have a problem with the Church’s position on [abortion, divorce, sodomy].” Such a foolish and ignorant stand, but there it is.

It is a problem of obedience. Either one obeys Catholic Moral teachings or does not. If not, then your soul is damned according to the Dogma of the Church.

If one simply refuses to believe Catholic teaching then that person should find another church rather than muddy up the parish he attends.

I understand that Catholic teaching demands much. It goes smack dab against fleshy desires. But Christ was clear about this.

Like your writing about sodomy and how friends of homosexuals who do not help the sodomite out of his degraded condition are really no friends at all, those who do nothing while a putative Catholic supports abortion and takes Communion are really helping that person to Hell. Some friend.

It started before Vatican II, but after it things really got going. Latin, meatless Fridays, a whole bunch of Traditions---all swept away in a fanaticism of stupidity. As a result the Church lost most of her power in American culture.

The Church traded much of her heritage for a mess of pottage.

12:45 AM  
Blogger Timothy Birdnow said...

Thanks, Mike, and a hearty Amen!

It`s amazing how many people think that they can call themselves Catholic yet not follow the dictates of the Church. If you claim to be Catholic you are required to accept the Apostolic succession and ecclesiastical authority. If you reject this you could choose to become Orthodox or Protestant. You`ll likely have the same problem with Orthodoxy, but Protestantism can be whatever you would like, so go for it! Just don`t call youself Catholic if you refuse to follow Catholic teaching.

As Thomas Moore might say, the definition of a thing is dictated by the nature of that thing, and a Catholic is such because they follow Catholicism, and that means in total. If you pick and choose you are not a Catholic, anymore than a one-legged chair is not a chair, or a water bucket without a bottom is not a bucket.

10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee, Tim. Don't go on now and get all gushy, slathering on the praise. We seem to have a contradiction here.

You write: The post-Vatican II (Novus Ordo) Church has failed miserably in upholding the standards needed to guide souls away from Hell. . . . and in the same breath launch into an encomium of praise for the Bishop of Baker.

Don't look now, but His Excellency is nothing if not a "post-Vatican II (Novus Ordo)" bishop. He won't have anything to do with the Missale Romanum of 1962 ("Tridentine"): nowhere in his sixty thousand square miles has he permitted the public celebration of this Mass, nor will he offer it himself. He is even reported as having told one of his priests that, if the Holy Father should in fact promulgate a motu proprio widening the use of the MR 1962, he will be among the first bishops to publicly protest.

Go figure.
Anon Emus

5:18 AM  
Blogger Timothy Birdnow said...

Hi Anon Emus!

I don`t attend the Tridentine Mass myself, but go to the Vatican II/Novus Ordo. I think the Tridentine is helpful for maintaining tradition and religious fervor, but is not absolutely necessary to be a pius Catholic. The point is that a thing must be judged by the fruit it bears, and the Church has been in a steady decline since Vatican II. At issue is not the use of Latin versus Vernacular, nor even the older rituals-these are trappings, things which may or may not be useful. The problem is that the Church has lost it`s way as a result of ecumenism and modernizing; relativism and a fear of offending have dissolved the rock of moral clarity, and attending Mass today is little more than a social affair in which the priest speaks about nothing so as not to offend. Did Christ speak about nothing? Did the Apostles? Did Jesus worry about offending? Quite the contrary; Jesus instructed the Apostles to proclaim the message and shake the dust of any town that did not receive them off their feet and press on. He Himself preached the Gospel to His death; they KILLED Him to shut Him up!

Now is different, with the concept of ``inclusion`` dominating the Catholic viewpoint to such a degree that priests will not tell people that they cannot sin. They are so afraid of offending that they will allow souls to slide into Hell; again, I say that is not something that is acceptable by either the clergy or the laity.

Does anybody wonder why pews are empty on Sunday? Why Churches are closing across the nation? Who wants to waste time at a purely social gathering, one where a poor speaker drones on about some inanity? I could stay home and watch This Week Needs David Brinkley if I wanted to sit through that!

Whether this Bishop approves the Tridentine Mass or not is immaterial to the heart of the discussion. I am praising him for having the courage to stand up for the teachings of the Church; if he approves the Latin Mass so much the better, but it isn`t my principle concern.

Any clergy who stand against the onslaught of the Left, who stand for Christ and the Church, deserves our praise; he is a good and faithful servant. There are too many cowards who fear the displeasure of men in positions of leadership; these are the bad shepherds, the ones who will lose their sheep to the wolf because they are too lazy and cowardly to take the necessary actions to prevent the theft of souls.

Thanks for responding!

5:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's no doubt that the decline in the Catholic Church is directly related to The Vatican II fiasco. Some wonder why there is a shortage of priest. I ask, "would you give up so much & devote your life to something that is void of any meaning?"
I do attend the Traditional Mass & from the first day was drawn in my the reverence & beauty of it all. I agree with you that it is not the language that it spoken, it is WHAT is spoken. Out priest speaks of evil, the devil, abortion, etc on a weekly basis. Believe it not, there is such a thing as right & wrong.
Years ago while still sticking needles in my eyes, I mean, still attending the Novus Ordo Mass, a very good priest gave a strong anti-abortion homily. I could see the woman in front of me squirming, huffing & puffing, until finally she stomped out! That's a good Catholic.
Why was this woman attending a Catholic Church? Like you said Tim, she could go off & join a Protestant church that would let her abort her fetus, marry a woman, you name it!
One last thought, you say rituals & such are trappings, maybe some, but kneeling at the communion rail to receive Christ on your tongue vs. grabbing it with one hand & "chomping" on it while you walk back to your pew with unfolded hands is a ritual that I can live with.
And don't get me started on "the grope of peace".

8:24 PM  

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