
A conservative news and views blog.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Melting Glaciers or Melting Green Hopes?

Reader Mike sends this article from the Washington Times about ``The Great Global Warming Scandal``, a British documentary debunking Al Gore and the War of the Worlds Climate Change theory. I had mentioned this earlier, but it definitely bears revisiting.

The jig is up. Reality is swiftly overtaking the Gang Green on this, and that explains their increasing shrillness over this issue; the deadlines they have set have repeatedly melted away like the Greenland glacier was supposed to have done, and people are seeing for themselves that the sky is not falling. If the policies they were hoping to enact with this doomsday scenario are to come to fruition they are going to have to be stampeded in now, or not at all. Time is against them.

Of course, the Left is indefatigable, and they`ll move on to some new doomsday scenario. I wonder what that will be?

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