
A conservative news and views blog.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Global Warming Denial at the Ivy League

Timothy Birdnow

The truth (or perhaps better stated as nontruth) of global warming is starting to emerge on college campuses - even in the Ivy League.

This is a pretty vanilla overview but it is probably the first time many of the ivory-tower readers have encountered the "deniar" viewpoint. Also, there are a few quibbling factual errors.

But what is important is that this is starting to break through the wall of silence imposed by the activist academics.

We are in the last days of this generation-long War of the Worlds scare.

Brevity is the soul of wit, and this piece delivers a very soulful, witty message. Much better than I can usually do with my diahrretic typing fingers, blathering on and on, never shutting up, just continual blather...

Thanks, Duke!

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