
A conservative news and views blog.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Monday, January 08, 2007

Old and New

I was at my grandmother`s birthday party on Sunday (you`d be amazed at how difficult it is to get a card with triple digits) and had the pleasure of chatting about High School with a youthful relative who is gracing the hallowed halls of public academia. She began talking about skating at school, which my wife assumed meant roller or ice skating in gym class, but it turns out that skateboarding is back in, and the kids actually do it in the school halls. (at least they`re getting some exercise!) My young friend patiently explained the subtleties of modern student life; the boy skaters wear girls pants to ply their trade because they are more aerodynamic.

When I was high school age, we would never have been caught dead wearing women`s clothes; this is evidence of the increased feminization of society. Remember the fingernail polish craze among teen boys a number of years back? That was a natural progression from the piercing craze; men would never, ever wear earrings (or any other rings) until the triumph of postmodern liberalism in the schools.

Boys wearing girl`s clothing, or adopting any of the other outward signs of femininity, is the triumph of decades of labor by feminists, homosexual advocates, Freudians, and general leftist social engineers who have toiled unceasingly to break the traditional structures which safeguard social order. The left believes freedom requires the dissolution of standards, the dismantling of social conventions. That those conventions are there as a result of painful experience on the part of civilization never occurs to these people. Of course, feminists and homosexual activists have a special agenda; they want to force everyone into their particular counter-culture mold to make them less odd. Remember the efforts made to force boys to play with dollies and girls to play with cars and trucks (but not guns!) We are witnessing the completion of this long erosive process.

Where will it lead? A people without solid grounding, with no conception of who they are and where they fit in this world will be unable to stand for anything, and, like the great empires of the past, will be brushed aside by the more vigorous. Rome wasn`t built in a day, and she surely did not fall in a day either, but fell she did for reasons similar to those which will take our children if we continue on this course.

My young friend also began telling about her teacher who wanders the halls all day using profane invectives; his favorite is the f-word. My wife asked her if she meant he became angry and used it, but she said he regularly uses profanity-he excuses it by claiming it is his first amendment right to free speech! My cousin, who was listening to the conversation, pointed out that the man should exercise his fifth amendment right to remain silent, which was a good point but not quite on the mark; this teacher was miseducating the students by a gross distortion of the first amendment, what is says and what it means. This guys should know that freedom of speech means freedom from government interference with speech-especially political speech-via law. It has nothing to do with absolutes, it has nothing to do with dangerous remarks (inciting a riot is illegal), it has nothing to do with private covenanting. I pointed out to my young friend that if she worked at McDonalds or some such she would lose her job if she used foul language in front of the customers. My cousin pointed out that, yes, she has the freedom to use foul language in front of the customers, but the company has the freedom to fire her for it, since her employment requires she voluntarily refrain from certain speech.

It scares me that people like this fellow are teaching future generations; the man is, to be quite blunt, an ass. He has no business polluting the minds of the young with his self-serving intellectual dung. These kids will grow up believing that the first amendment gives them the right to say whatever they feel like in any situation. They will have no understanding of our Constitution, our laws, our customs. They will not understand that freedom requires restraint, requires a moral populace to thrive. They will confuse freedom with license.

Oh, by the way, may ancient grandmother will be a VIP at a casino today; she wanted to see what they were like, so my cousin (with whom she lives) called around and set up a special package. Grandma will get a VIP pass, a free lunch, a wheelchair, and other goodies on the gambling house. Come on, great great grandbaby needs a new pair of shoes!

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