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Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Brooming the House Clean

It`s official; the ``clean candidate``, Ouidos Grande himself-Barak Obama-has formally entered the race for President.

My humble opinion is that the Clean Candidate is a broom; the Clinton war machine will use him to sweep the field clear for Madam Hillary. (Leave it to the condescending Left to make the black guy do the janitorial work.) They`ll allow him to start strong then fade after he has chased those pesky competitors from the field. He doesn`t know, of course, that he is being used as a broom, and will learn a terrible lesson about messing with the Clinton`s; they have the top political organization in America, they have the money, and they have the ruthlessness to squash Obama like the a bug. (Clean as the man is, he probably won`t leave too messy a stain!)

Obama has never been through this sort of thing, and he doesn`t have the organization to deal with the Clinton machine. I suspect Carville, Ickes, Begala and company are going to keep Obama on a leash, leaking stories to the press if he starts surging too strongly, but letting him have his day for a while. When the time is right, when Obama has taken the slings and arrows from other candidates and beaten them, then political ethnic cleansing will begin. Obama is going to feel like a man in a cotton chicken suit during the Great Chicago Fire! He`s not going to know what hit him.

I have no doubt that considerable ``opposition research`` has been done on Ouidos Grande (the Mexicans where my father works nicknamed their now deceased cat Ouidos Grande, or Big Ears, and I use it here in honor of the Blue Fairie-Maureen Dowd), and they have enough to ruin the guy-he has, after all, several skeletons in his closet including his shady land deal, his cocaine use, and the possibility of his having been a Wahabbist. I wonder what else the Clintonistas have scraped from beneath his clean fingernails...

Obama has not been tested in this kind of warfare. He has shown himself sensitive to personal attack (read; the Maureen Dowd ``notice`` about his big ears-hence my nickname for him) and he`s going to be in for a world of hurt in this regard. He seems calm, but how will he deal with the abuse he`s going to take? I pray the man doesn`t have a pet cat!

The Clinton Machine has been planning this campaign since 2000, and I strongly suspect Mr. Obama was something cooked up by that Famiglia. He`s a novice propelled suddenly into the limelight, and everybody is suddenly jumping on board-including Spielberg and the Glitterati, Clinton`s former best buds. I suspect Mr. Grande is being fattened for the slaughter.

I feel sorry for the man.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are a lot of people who say hes a puppet for Hillary being used to sweep away any of the other Democrats who are running.The Hillary machine will allow him only so much rope and yank him in if he gets to popular.
Colbert Report had Debra Dickerson on his program and because hes not of slavery descendants she questions his blackness.She says hes as black as circumstances allow.

12:28 PM  
Blogger Timothy Birdnow said...

Hi Mike!

I`m definitely not the only one who thinks this may be the case! It`s the way the Clinton people operate.

12:32 PM  

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