
A conservative news and views blog.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Absolute Power

It appears I have been echoing Jeane Kirkpatrick:

Some people believe, and I am among them, that the power of the media today constitutes the most significant exercise of unaccountable power in our society. It is unaccountable to anyone, except for those who exercise the power. I believe that the domain of culture is as important as the domain of government or the economy.

(From the Federalist)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Some people believe, and I am among them",that main stream media has lost the ability to distinguish the truth from their biased views. I believe that people like myself are abandoning them because of this.I search the web for answers that go beyond bias and political correctness that expose that which needs to be known. I believe that MSM bias and Political Correctness will be their doom.

12:50 PM  
Blogger TJW said...

Ditto what Learner said and more,

In a recent editorial my local paper declared itself "Mainstream and proud of it." I can hardly imagine possessing the arrogance required to make such a statement. Unfortunately, for my preferred fish wrapper their editorial was based entirely on a syllogistic fallacy. Starting with a wrong assumption and then proposing a test that verifies the result they seek does not make the statement true. It is however illustrative of the danger wrought by the “unaccountable power” of a biased press hell-bent on forwarding a narrow cultural agenda. The ability of the media to influence public perception by utilizing single viewpoint saturation outside of any oversight or control is their greatest strength in advancing their collective political outlook. Their bias is easily demonstrated not only in the way they report events, but also in those stories they choose to ignore.

The public’s ability to vote with their pocketbooks is their greatest weakness. It is beginning to take a major toll on those news gathering institutions that refuse to understand that their economic plight is directly tied to their own intellectual dishonesty. Thankfully, due to the recent emergence of talk radio and the internet the public now has an unprecedented resource in their insatiable quest for the truth. A truth that can be found in many places for those willing to make the effort to seek it out “outside of any oversight or control” of the fourth estate. It’s this quest for knowledge overlooked or suppressed by the media that unerringly leads us to places just like this.

Kirkpatrick was right, so are you Tim.

How does it feel to be so smart?

2:16 AM  
Blogger Timothy Birdnow said...

Hi Learner!

The MSM has become virtually devoid of real news, and what ``news`` there is they twist and mold to fit their insane views. It has also become terribly stale and formulaic; they trot out some human flotsom to tug at our heartstrings, and use this skin marrionette to sedge into their agenda-what a bore!

Thanks, Tom!

Your local editor must be rolling joints with his front page.

That was very astute of you (as always) to acknowledge the power wielded by the press; they set the topic of conversation in this country. If the MSM doesn`t talk about it most people won`t hear about it. Some will, but the average joe who doesn`t pay much attention will not.

And there are little things, subtle things which they do to manipulate public attitudes. I remember a famous photograph from Life magazine during the Kent State affair; what Life showed was a young man being clubbed over the head by a policeman. What the editors of Life chose to cut out of the picture was the man had a knife in his hand. They simply removed the knife, and the public was left with the impression that the police were beating innocent young kids sensless for no reason. Manipulative bastards, aren`t they!

It`s good to see Time in such dire financial straits; you`ve really nailed it, Tom!

Kirkpatrick was right, so are you Tim.

How does it feel to be so smart?

Aw, shucks!

3:28 PM  

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