
A conservative news and views blog.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Friday, January 12, 2007

Hindmost Politics and The President

I don`t know how many of you are science fiction fans, but those of you who are may be familiar with Larry Niven`s Known Space stories. In those stories Niven gives us a species of racial cowards he calls the Pierson`s Puppeteers, and their leader is called the Hindmost-``he who leads from behind``.

It occurred to me that, in many ways, this description fits President Bush perfectly!

Now, I`m not calling the President a coward, nor saying he never leads; in fact, the Hindmost DID lead his people, and his was in many ways the most dangerous job a puppeteer could have. The point is, the Hindmost generally did not get out in front, did not lead the charge, but maneuvered from behind the lines. In Niven`s Ringworld series the trapped hindmost stayed in relative physical safety, coordinating the actions of Louis Wu and the other characters. His was a vital role, a critical role, but not an inspirational or hands-on role. Bush`s style strikes me as much the same.

President Bush`s new tone, his ``compassionate conservativism``, his willingness to compromise with his political opponents-sometimes at the expense of his allies-all point to a leadership technique which values conflict avoidance and delegation.

This lackluster style, this shunning of the limelight and operating from relative obscurity may be fine for a Pierson`s Puppeteer, or even a corporate board, but it just doesn`t work well in politics. America needs a man willing to lead, to get out ahead and lead the charge. Congress followed the President`s lead (or lack thereof) and continued with the ``duck and cover`` strategy advocated by Karl Rove and company.

America lost confidence in them because they didn`t seem to be doing anything! They seemed to be there for their own benefit, and not for the good of the country. The Democrats made no bones about being there for their own benefit, but, like a dog with a tape worm, at least some of the public would feed off of the digestive tract of the product of digestion. The Democrats weren`t ashamed to be corrupt, while the Republicans were. It is an odd quirk of human nature that people prefer a bold crook to a timid one; if you don`t believe that, explain politics in the State of Louisiana to me! Republicans looked like reform-school children next to the Mafia.

Had President Bush offered leadership to his own Party at critical times, the last congressional elections would probably turned out differently. The President has maneuvered behind the scenes on many issues-immigration being a prime example-and the public has the impression of a scheming Administration. Puppeteers would have loved such an approach, but not people.

As Louis Wu would say; ``there ain`t no justice!`` and it may be the case, but the Republicans couldn`t hope to escape the long ARM of Media spin without taking their case-repeatedly-to the American public. They failed to do that, and have paid the price.

Now, will they see their failure for what it was, or will Hindmost politics continue?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The biggest problem that Americans face today is that our two party system has become so corrupt that unless we can find a person that has no strong affiliation to either party this corruption will never end.Pamela Meister at Blogmeister USA points out the wonderful Minimum wage hike the Dems want will exclude America Somoa and why because Star Kist has a huge processing plant there.Big business has huge hooks in both parties and they run deep.
I shake my head when less then 1% of our population can dominate political agenda and why because they have a powerful lobby group. When pro and anti abortion groups are camped outside the White House with dollars in their hands to give to any congress person that wants them in return for their vote. When campaign contributions are doled out to both parties by big business who wants favorable votes to their agendas.The stem cell research issue that was raged in Missouri was sponsored by 2 large companies that want our tax dollars to continue their research and more to the point pad their pockets. The last decision that was truly heroic was made by President Ford when he pardoned Nixon. He had the guts to stand up to the criticism. Since then band aide presidents who jump at their own shadows willing to change their stands in a heart beat. Angry, yes I am angry and that anger is directed at the party loyal individuals
who vote blindly straight tickets.As you point out how can a state reelect a person who was caught red handed with $90,000 in his freezer. How can a political party keep him? Answer is quite obvious we love the crook who openly is robbing us blind!And that is what our so deeply entrenched,corrupt 2 party system is doing to us.

9:59 AM  
Blogger William Zeranski said...

Hey, Bird:

The real problem is Rove has been is given more credit than he deserves. Two, SF is linked, by poluar culture,to aliens from Mars. And three, ‘compassion’ is real, and nether party has successfully co-opted the essence of it.

We are in an age where compassion—which only can be found at home—and the problem is “Are the parents able to tell the difference between fact and fiction.?”

8:10 PM  

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