
A conservative news and views blog.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Puerile Politics and Gallows Governance

Last night I went to a conservative meetup at Ozzy Smith`s bar, and metup with Wil Wirtanen, friend of and contributor to Birdblog. Wil is one sharp guy, and we hit it off immediately. (I think the man has read every book ever written.) There were a couple of guests from the John Birch Society who had invited themselves, and the group grilled these scampies on a skewer; they are absolute isolationists who could see no reason for America`s involvement in the war. They kept saying that we needed to occupy the moral high ground, and Wil pointed out that such an occupation was fine, but that this particular high ground was Boot Hill.

The man is a philosopher and a scholar!

At any rate, he sent me an op-ed I thought everyone would enjoy:


On January 4th, Rep. Pelosi told the Los Angeles Times that, The gavel of the speaker of the house is in the hands of special interests, and now it will be in the hands of America’s children. Outside of the obviousguffawh, she has confirmed my theory of the puerile party.

First take the 2000 election, the Dims are losing so they want to change the rules in the middle of the game. Why else would they go to the Dimocrat appointed Florida Supreme Court. Better yet remember the ’04 New Jersey Senate race with Mr. Torricelli?

If they lose the election, it is always someone else to fault. Why not blame Diebold for the loss instead of you socialist agenda. Funny I don’t hear of the problem with voting machines this election season, except for Florida’s 13th District race. (See WSJ article, Sore Winners, Dec. 1, 2006)

Listen closely to their complaints about Iraq, and they sound like a child in the back seat of the car asking, Are we there yet? They started this whining before they even got into their car seat and were asking how to get out of Iraq.

They use the euphemism of exit strategy which means cut and run and keep whining that Iraq is not a democracy yet. It doesn’t matter that it took us 13 years to get a constitution and 200 years of progress to get to where we are now. (Although sometimes I think that we are regressing.)

Their chimerical thinking expected the Iraq war to unfold and end like an hour episode of Combat. Never mind that despite being longer than WWII we have lost fewer men than the D-day invasion.

Their strategy for terrorists is similar to a child getting beat up by a bully. They try to placate them with both lunch money (your taxes) or being nice. They are scared to punch the bully in the nose because people might not like them.

When you want to have a debate about the US economic future as in Social Security, they fall on the ground and hold their breath because they don’t want personal accounts.

Like your child, they want an allowance (without any work) and to raise it later. The Dims want your money and it is your duty to provide it. Like a child, you need to increase the allowance and it is never enough.

It is not bad enough that they want your money but then they waste it and never do what they promise. The problems never get fixed but get exacerbated. The reason for the failure is that there was not enough money.

And God help you if you make more money than someone else. It couldn’t be because you avoided making dumb life decisions and worked hard. No, they think it is just unfair or you stole it and it is your obligation to share it.

In talking to my liberal friends I cannot escape the thought that I am reliving childhood. Everyone needs to be supported by the government because the people aren’t smart enough to handle their own affairs.

Two sayings came to mind after hearing Ms. Pelosi remarks.

First, from the mouths of babes

The other is a sign in my office that states:

Life is hard

Life is unfair


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