
A conservative news and views blog.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Saturday, September 10, 2011

An End to Lame Ducks

Dana Mathewson

You know what I'd like to see? An end to Lame Ducks -- both presidents and congress-critters. It made a sort of sense back in the early days of the republic, when news traveled so slowly. But with today's news traveling at the speed of light, there's no reason for it. Plus, there's the proven fact that someone in office, who has just been told his days are numbered, has a great temptation to "punish" the people who've turned him out -- plus, he has the power to do it.

Obviously we can't have Inauguration Day the day after Election Day -- there are always recounts to deal with if a Democrat loses a race to a Republican. So since we have to keep Lame Duck presidents and Lame Duck senators and representatives in power until Inauguration Day (which in any case should be moved closer to Election Day), at least we should have a Constitutional amendment that they are not allowed to pass or sign any laws, or issue any executive orders -- except that pertain to an obvious national emergency, such as declaring war on a nation who has just attacked us. Perhaps Congress could use this time to repeal old, useless laws that have no application in today's world -- there are a bunch of them, after all. And the president and his staff could search for fat to cut among government programs that duplicate each other's effort.

In my world, a Lame Duck president would be barred from replacing a dead or retiring Supreme Court Justice (if a retiring justice wanted the current president to replace him he'd better have retired earlier) or, for that matter, appointing any judges whatsoever.

A Lame Duck congress would be barred from instituting any impeachment proceedings against the president for any reason whatsoever -- sorry, boys, you already had your chance.

And while I'm changing the world here, I think a president's powers to pardon should have more oversight. Democrats in particular have horribly misused this power -- just look at the miscreants Bill Clinton pardoned.

I grant you, this needs some more thinking through. But it's a start. Any suggestions

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